Ásgrímsson declines to comment 8. júní 2006 10:30 Prime Minister Halldór Ásgrímsson, who is about to step down from his post, is currently meeting with the Polish Prime Minister. At a press meeting he declined to comment on who would be replacing him as head of the Progressive party . Finnur Ingólfsson, former head of the central bank whom many thought would replace Ásgrímsson has decided that he will not be returning to politics. Deputy leader of the Progressive party and Minister of Agriculture Gudni Ágústsson released a statement on Monday night saying that his agreement with Ásgrímsson that both would resign would not stand. Ásgrímsson also declined to comment on Ágústsson's statement, saying, " I am not going to comment on 'Agústsson's statement, I think he has said rather too much and i am not going to comment further until new positions have been decided within the government. Siv Friðleifsdóttir, minister of health would not comment yesterday, but rumours have arisen on her playing a big part in leading the progressive party in the future. Ásgrímsson and President Marcinkiewics discussed the EEA agreement and the participation of polish citizens in the Icelandic workforce. They both expressed their pleasure at the fact that Polish citizens can now seek work in Iceland as freely as other EEA citizens. - amb News News in English Mest lesið Mexíkó og Kanada svara tollum Trump með sínum eigin Erlent Segir ljóst að Sigurjón skorti hæfi Innlent Kennarar með viðbótarkröfur og fundi frestað Innlent Ók á móti umferð á flótta frá lögreglunni Innlent Pálína 84 ára stendur vaktina alla daga á Landvegamótum Innlent Klakastykki stórskemmdi bíl Innlent Allir farþegarnir látnir Erlent Íslendingar fá leiðbeiningar um viðbrögð við stríði Innlent Hagræðingartillögur, styrkir til flokkanna og Grænland á Sprengisandi Innlent Baráttukonur minnast Ólafar Töru Innlent
Prime Minister Halldór Ásgrímsson, who is about to step down from his post, is currently meeting with the Polish Prime Minister. At a press meeting he declined to comment on who would be replacing him as head of the Progressive party . Finnur Ingólfsson, former head of the central bank whom many thought would replace Ásgrímsson has decided that he will not be returning to politics. Deputy leader of the Progressive party and Minister of Agriculture Gudni Ágústsson released a statement on Monday night saying that his agreement with Ásgrímsson that both would resign would not stand. Ásgrímsson also declined to comment on Ágústsson's statement, saying, " I am not going to comment on 'Agústsson's statement, I think he has said rather too much and i am not going to comment further until new positions have been decided within the government. Siv Friðleifsdóttir, minister of health would not comment yesterday, but rumours have arisen on her playing a big part in leading the progressive party in the future. Ásgrímsson and President Marcinkiewics discussed the EEA agreement and the participation of polish citizens in the Icelandic workforce. They both expressed their pleasure at the fact that Polish citizens can now seek work in Iceland as freely as other EEA citizens. - amb
News News in English Mest lesið Mexíkó og Kanada svara tollum Trump með sínum eigin Erlent Segir ljóst að Sigurjón skorti hæfi Innlent Kennarar með viðbótarkröfur og fundi frestað Innlent Ók á móti umferð á flótta frá lögreglunni Innlent Pálína 84 ára stendur vaktina alla daga á Landvegamótum Innlent Klakastykki stórskemmdi bíl Innlent Allir farþegarnir látnir Erlent Íslendingar fá leiðbeiningar um viðbrögð við stríði Innlent Hagræðingartillögur, styrkir til flokkanna og Grænland á Sprengisandi Innlent Baráttukonur minnast Ólafar Töru Innlent