Fatal Accidents 3. júlí 2006 10:56 skilti banaslys umferðarstofa Two fatal accidents occured this weekend on Iceland’s highways. A twenty year old girl died in Varmahlíð in Skagafjörður on Sunday and one man died from a motorcycle crash in Öræfasveit. The girl was in a car with four other people. Two girls are still in critical condition from the accident, the driver and one passenger. Two other boys were also passengers in the car but only received minor injuries. It seems that none of the five were wearing seatbelts at the time. The total amount of fatal car related accidents this year are now nine. Last year the total amount of deaths was 19 people, and in 2004 there were 23 people who died. -mld News News in English Mest lesið Mexíkó og Kanada svara tollum Trump með sínum eigin Erlent Segir ljóst að Sigurjón skorti hæfi Innlent Kennarar með viðbótarkröfur og fundi frestað Innlent Ók á móti umferð á flótta frá lögreglunni Innlent Pálína 84 ára stendur vaktina alla daga á Landvegamótum Innlent Klakastykki stórskemmdi bíl Innlent Allir farþegarnir látnir Erlent Íslendingar fá leiðbeiningar um viðbrögð við stríði Innlent Hagræðingartillögur, styrkir til flokkanna og Grænland á Sprengisandi Innlent Baráttukonur minnast Ólafar Töru Innlent
Two fatal accidents occured this weekend on Iceland’s highways. A twenty year old girl died in Varmahlíð in Skagafjörður on Sunday and one man died from a motorcycle crash in Öræfasveit. The girl was in a car with four other people. Two girls are still in critical condition from the accident, the driver and one passenger. Two other boys were also passengers in the car but only received minor injuries. It seems that none of the five were wearing seatbelts at the time. The total amount of fatal car related accidents this year are now nine. Last year the total amount of deaths was 19 people, and in 2004 there were 23 people who died. -mld
News News in English Mest lesið Mexíkó og Kanada svara tollum Trump með sínum eigin Erlent Segir ljóst að Sigurjón skorti hæfi Innlent Kennarar með viðbótarkröfur og fundi frestað Innlent Ók á móti umferð á flótta frá lögreglunni Innlent Pálína 84 ára stendur vaktina alla daga á Landvegamótum Innlent Klakastykki stórskemmdi bíl Innlent Allir farþegarnir látnir Erlent Íslendingar fá leiðbeiningar um viðbrögð við stríði Innlent Hagræðingartillögur, styrkir til flokkanna og Grænland á Sprengisandi Innlent Baráttukonur minnast Ólafar Töru Innlent