Police Shuts down Camp 8. ágúst 2006 11:00 Kárahnjúkar Police in Egilsstadir arrested fourteen protestors who had entered the Kárahnjúkar construction area and chained themselves to machines. Two of the protestors were Icelandic and the rest were foreign. The camping site at Snæfell was closed down by authorities and campers sent away. According to police, the landowner at Snæfell asked for them to be removed. Spokesman for Íslandsvinir, the association responsible for the protest camp says that individuals obviously have a right to protest against the dam. He added that the protestors arrested were not members of the Íslandsvinir association but were there by their own means. Íslandsvinir are considering pressing charges and their lawyer Ragnar Aðalsteinsson said " The National Power Company does not control the policeforce in Iceland, but police heeded their demands. " News News in English Mest lesið Kafarar sóttu mann úr bíl sem fór í höfnina Innlent Áttræð kona sakar bæinn um mismunun vegna trúar Innlent „Sem þið höfðuð ekki pung til að geta staðið undir“ Innlent Árið gert upp í Kryddsíld 2024 Innlent Kristrún ekki sein í Kryddsíld: „Ég skil ekki hvernig þetta var hægt“ Innlent Yazan Tamimi er maður ársins Innlent Bak við tjöldin: Óheppileg hlátursköst og ráðherrar í ruglinu Innlent Flokkur fólksins dalar eftir kosningar Innlent Fyrstu börn Beta-kynslóðarinnar fæðast á morgun Erlent Hróshringur formanna: „Það liggur fyrir mér að verða markþjálfi“ Innlent
Police in Egilsstadir arrested fourteen protestors who had entered the Kárahnjúkar construction area and chained themselves to machines. Two of the protestors were Icelandic and the rest were foreign. The camping site at Snæfell was closed down by authorities and campers sent away. According to police, the landowner at Snæfell asked for them to be removed. Spokesman for Íslandsvinir, the association responsible for the protest camp says that individuals obviously have a right to protest against the dam. He added that the protestors arrested were not members of the Íslandsvinir association but were there by their own means. Íslandsvinir are considering pressing charges and their lawyer Ragnar Aðalsteinsson said " The National Power Company does not control the policeforce in Iceland, but police heeded their demands. "
News News in English Mest lesið Kafarar sóttu mann úr bíl sem fór í höfnina Innlent Áttræð kona sakar bæinn um mismunun vegna trúar Innlent „Sem þið höfðuð ekki pung til að geta staðið undir“ Innlent Árið gert upp í Kryddsíld 2024 Innlent Kristrún ekki sein í Kryddsíld: „Ég skil ekki hvernig þetta var hægt“ Innlent Yazan Tamimi er maður ársins Innlent Bak við tjöldin: Óheppileg hlátursköst og ráðherrar í ruglinu Innlent Flokkur fólksins dalar eftir kosningar Innlent Fyrstu börn Beta-kynslóðarinnar fæðast á morgun Erlent Hróshringur formanna: „Það liggur fyrir mér að verða markþjálfi“ Innlent