Oldest Icelander turns 109 21. ágúst 2006 13:25 Sólveig Pétursdóttir is the oldest living Icelander, and she celebrated her 109th birthday yesterday. She was born in 1897 on the Keldunúpur farm, south Iceland and married farmer Gunnar Jónsson whom she had seven children with. Sólveig lived at her farm in Öræfi with one of her sons until 1993, when she moved to an elderly people's home in Höfn, Hornafjörður. Sólveig has 67 descendants who say that her high age is due to her unique joy of living and the fact that she kept on working hard until she was 93 years old. Sólveig is now hard of hearing and her eyesight is failing, but she loves to knit and receive visits from her family. News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Vísir á landsfundi: Þúsund handabönd og þunnir stuðningsmenn Innlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent Bandaríkin muni eignast Grænland með einum eða öðrum hætti Erlent Bílarnir dregnir upp úr sjónum Innlent Umtalað kynferðisbrotamál fer á efsta dómstigi Innlent Grátandi foreldrar einhverfra ungmenna án úrræða Innlent Tillaga um að leggja af áminningarskyldu sé vanvirðing í garð starfsfólks Innlent Hótanir í tollamálum en sáttartónn í garð Úkraínu Erlent Skipverji brotnaði og móttöku frestað Innlent
Sólveig Pétursdóttir is the oldest living Icelander, and she celebrated her 109th birthday yesterday. She was born in 1897 on the Keldunúpur farm, south Iceland and married farmer Gunnar Jónsson whom she had seven children with. Sólveig lived at her farm in Öræfi with one of her sons until 1993, when she moved to an elderly people's home in Höfn, Hornafjörður. Sólveig has 67 descendants who say that her high age is due to her unique joy of living and the fact that she kept on working hard until she was 93 years old. Sólveig is now hard of hearing and her eyesight is failing, but she loves to knit and receive visits from her family.
News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Vísir á landsfundi: Þúsund handabönd og þunnir stuðningsmenn Innlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent Bandaríkin muni eignast Grænland með einum eða öðrum hætti Erlent Bílarnir dregnir upp úr sjónum Innlent Umtalað kynferðisbrotamál fer á efsta dómstigi Innlent Grátandi foreldrar einhverfra ungmenna án úrræða Innlent Tillaga um að leggja af áminningarskyldu sé vanvirðing í garð starfsfólks Innlent Hótanir í tollamálum en sáttartónn í garð Úkraínu Erlent Skipverji brotnaði og móttöku frestað Innlent