Families camp at Kárahnjúkar 26. júlí 2006 13:13 Íslandsvinir. Tjaldbúðir. Snæfell. Mótmælendur. The Íslandsvinir (friends of Iceland) association has organised a family camp at Kárahnjúkar in the east highlands. Their purpose is to "allow people to enjoy the incredible scenery at the Kárahnjúkar site before it is flooded this autumn to power the dam." An information tent is located on the site where visitors can get information on the effects of heavy industry on the environment and the community. Musicians and lecturers will also be at the site, and a children's poetry and artwork competition will take place. The camp site is located under Snæfellsskáli and can be reached from Lagarfljót through to Kárahnjúkar taking road number 910. According to the Íslandsvinir website, " The family camp offers everyone the opportunity to stay in the central highlands, to enjoy, be educated, go for walks, see reindeer, see and experience." The camp will be up until July 31. News News in English Mest lesið Glansmyndir á samfélagsmiðlum valdi mikilli streitu Innlent „Þau eru bara fyrir“ Innlent Fulltrúi Ísraels í Eurovision lifði af hryðjuverkaárásirnar sjöunda október Erlent Segir Grænlendinga yndislega, harðduglega og útsjónarsama Innlent Enn annar gróðureldurinn ógnar Los Angeles Erlent Á bak við hvert vandamál er barn sem líður illa Erlent Hafi ekki verið pínd dögum saman heldur vaknað með áverkana Innlent „Óvandaðir falsfréttamiðlar koma fram við fólk eins og fífl“ Innlent Efnaslys varð í grunnskóla í Reykjanesbæ Innlent Ymur hafi stungið móður sína minnst 22 sinnum Innlent
The Íslandsvinir (friends of Iceland) association has organised a family camp at Kárahnjúkar in the east highlands. Their purpose is to "allow people to enjoy the incredible scenery at the Kárahnjúkar site before it is flooded this autumn to power the dam." An information tent is located on the site where visitors can get information on the effects of heavy industry on the environment and the community. Musicians and lecturers will also be at the site, and a children's poetry and artwork competition will take place. The camp site is located under Snæfellsskáli and can be reached from Lagarfljót through to Kárahnjúkar taking road number 910. According to the Íslandsvinir website, " The family camp offers everyone the opportunity to stay in the central highlands, to enjoy, be educated, go for walks, see reindeer, see and experience." The camp will be up until July 31.
News News in English Mest lesið Glansmyndir á samfélagsmiðlum valdi mikilli streitu Innlent „Þau eru bara fyrir“ Innlent Fulltrúi Ísraels í Eurovision lifði af hryðjuverkaárásirnar sjöunda október Erlent Segir Grænlendinga yndislega, harðduglega og útsjónarsama Innlent Enn annar gróðureldurinn ógnar Los Angeles Erlent Á bak við hvert vandamál er barn sem líður illa Erlent Hafi ekki verið pínd dögum saman heldur vaknað með áverkana Innlent „Óvandaðir falsfréttamiðlar koma fram við fólk eins og fífl“ Innlent Efnaslys varð í grunnskóla í Reykjanesbæ Innlent Ymur hafi stungið móður sína minnst 22 sinnum Innlent