Oil leaking into the sea 21. desember 2006 09:45 There is strong possibility that about 70 tones of oil has leaked from the stranded freight ship Wilson Muuga where it lies stranded at Hvalnes. Only 50 tones of oil are believed to be left in its side tanks. It is also believed that about 13 tones of gasoline have leaked into the ocean. The ship is still standing upright and has not moved much. The stream is strong in this area and the tides wash the oil out into the ocean. Whether oil should to be pumped from the ship during these dangerous circumstances is being evaluated. News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Fundu Diego heilan á húfi í heimahúsi Innlent Minnst þrír foreldrar verkfallsbarna hafi misst vinnuna Innlent Sagðist fjárhagslegur þræll móður barnsins sem hann braut á Innlent Bein útsending: Skemmtilegustu kappræður kosningabaráttunnar Innlent Svarar Kára fullum hálsi Innlent Ekið á gangandi vegfaranda á Langholtsvegi Innlent FB stækkar og Framsókn aftur á gröfunni Innlent Kostaði umdeilda færslu á síðu flokks sem hann er hættur í Innlent Skilningsleysi fyrrverandi fjármálaráðherra um að kenna Innlent
There is strong possibility that about 70 tones of oil has leaked from the stranded freight ship Wilson Muuga where it lies stranded at Hvalnes. Only 50 tones of oil are believed to be left in its side tanks. It is also believed that about 13 tones of gasoline have leaked into the ocean. The ship is still standing upright and has not moved much. The stream is strong in this area and the tides wash the oil out into the ocean. Whether oil should to be pumped from the ship during these dangerous circumstances is being evaluated.
News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Fundu Diego heilan á húfi í heimahúsi Innlent Minnst þrír foreldrar verkfallsbarna hafi misst vinnuna Innlent Sagðist fjárhagslegur þræll móður barnsins sem hann braut á Innlent Bein útsending: Skemmtilegustu kappræður kosningabaráttunnar Innlent Svarar Kára fullum hálsi Innlent Ekið á gangandi vegfaranda á Langholtsvegi Innlent FB stækkar og Framsókn aftur á gröfunni Innlent Kostaði umdeilda færslu á síðu flokks sem hann er hættur í Innlent Skilningsleysi fyrrverandi fjármálaráðherra um að kenna Innlent