Acclaim for Icelandic composers. 12. júní 2006 09:47 dddd Icelandic composers received acclaim at the International Symposium of Composers in Paris which ended this weekend. The National Radio One had selected two pieces which were both included on the list of the top ten most interesting pieces. These were Flecte Lapis II for clarinet and organ by Atli Ingólfsson, and Equilibrium IV:Windbells composed by Hugi Guðmundsson for the Caput group. Sixty works from thirty countries competed at the symposium, and Guðmundsson's piece was also nominated as one of the three most interesting works by a composer under the age of thirty. News News in English Mest lesið „Faðir minn stakk rýtingi í bakið á mér“ Innlent Kona sem sagðist vera Madeleine McCann handtekin Erlent Sagði upp eftir tíðindi dagsins og segir fleiri uppsagnarbréf á leiðinni Innlent Festist í fjöru á höfuðborgarsvæðinu Innlent Segir ekkert til í ásökunum KÍ um flokkadrætti Innlent Ákvörðun tekin án samráðs við nokkurn nema MS og Bændasamtökin Innlent Fer fram á stjórnsýsluúttekt á aðdraganda lokunarinnar Innlent Samþykktu að breyta skráningu svo þiggja megi styrki Innlent „Flokkur fólksins virðist hafa látið plata sig algjörlega“ Innlent Segir Selenskí hugrakkan leiðtoga Erlent
Icelandic composers received acclaim at the International Symposium of Composers in Paris which ended this weekend. The National Radio One had selected two pieces which were both included on the list of the top ten most interesting pieces. These were Flecte Lapis II for clarinet and organ by Atli Ingólfsson, and Equilibrium IV:Windbells composed by Hugi Guðmundsson for the Caput group. Sixty works from thirty countries competed at the symposium, and Guðmundsson's piece was also nominated as one of the three most interesting works by a composer under the age of thirty.
News News in English Mest lesið „Faðir minn stakk rýtingi í bakið á mér“ Innlent Kona sem sagðist vera Madeleine McCann handtekin Erlent Sagði upp eftir tíðindi dagsins og segir fleiri uppsagnarbréf á leiðinni Innlent Festist í fjöru á höfuðborgarsvæðinu Innlent Segir ekkert til í ásökunum KÍ um flokkadrætti Innlent Ákvörðun tekin án samráðs við nokkurn nema MS og Bændasamtökin Innlent Fer fram á stjórnsýsluúttekt á aðdraganda lokunarinnar Innlent Samþykktu að breyta skráningu svo þiggja megi styrki Innlent „Flokkur fólksins virðist hafa látið plata sig algjörlega“ Innlent Segir Selenskí hugrakkan leiðtoga Erlent