Icelandic Art at Christie's 2. nóvember 2006 11:14 Ólafur Elíasson The art piece Gletscher Serien by the Icelander Olafur Elíasson was sold for 18 million kronur at auctioneer Christie's. Seven Icelandic art pieces were for sale at the auction and all sold except for one piece by Nina Tryggvadóttir from 1959. Four of the pieces were by Olafur Elíasson. One piece by Elíasson sold for 600.000 kronur and other two sold for over a million. A painting by Louisa Matthíasdóttir of the harbor in Reykjavik sold for 3 million kronur and Landslag (Landscape) by Jóhannes Kjarval sold for five and a half million. Art historian Hannes Sigurðsson, cannot recall that Icelandic art pieces have been sold at the big auctioneers Sotheby's and Christie's before. „Kjarval is a great artist but his reputation has been bound to Iceland. It is very positive that he was sold for such a large amount at a well established auctioneer," says Hannes and adds that no other Icelandic artist has gained more recognition on the international art scene than Olafur Elíasson. News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Vísir á landsfundi: Þúsund handabönd og þunnir stuðningsmenn Innlent Bandaríkin muni eignast Grænland með einum eða öðrum hætti Erlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent Umtalað kynferðisbrotamál fer á efsta dómstigi Innlent Grátandi foreldrar einhverfra ungmenna án úrræða Innlent Hótanir í tollamálum en sáttartónn í garð Úkraínu Erlent Fer í hart við konuna sem sakaði hann um nauðgun Erlent Skipverji brotnaði og móttöku frestað Innlent Tillaga um að leggja af áminningarskyldu sé vanvirðing í garð starfsfólks Innlent
The art piece Gletscher Serien by the Icelander Olafur Elíasson was sold for 18 million kronur at auctioneer Christie's. Seven Icelandic art pieces were for sale at the auction and all sold except for one piece by Nina Tryggvadóttir from 1959. Four of the pieces were by Olafur Elíasson. One piece by Elíasson sold for 600.000 kronur and other two sold for over a million. A painting by Louisa Matthíasdóttir of the harbor in Reykjavik sold for 3 million kronur and Landslag (Landscape) by Jóhannes Kjarval sold for five and a half million. Art historian Hannes Sigurðsson, cannot recall that Icelandic art pieces have been sold at the big auctioneers Sotheby's and Christie's before. „Kjarval is a great artist but his reputation has been bound to Iceland. It is very positive that he was sold for such a large amount at a well established auctioneer," says Hannes and adds that no other Icelandic artist has gained more recognition on the international art scene than Olafur Elíasson.
News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Vísir á landsfundi: Þúsund handabönd og þunnir stuðningsmenn Innlent Bandaríkin muni eignast Grænland með einum eða öðrum hætti Erlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent Umtalað kynferðisbrotamál fer á efsta dómstigi Innlent Grátandi foreldrar einhverfra ungmenna án úrræða Innlent Hótanir í tollamálum en sáttartónn í garð Úkraínu Erlent Fer í hart við konuna sem sakaði hann um nauðgun Erlent Skipverji brotnaði og móttöku frestað Innlent Tillaga um að leggja af áminningarskyldu sé vanvirðing í garð starfsfólks Innlent