356% Difference in Price 30. júní 2006 10:57 Grænar paprikur græn paprika grænmeti ASÍ, the Icelandic Confederation of Labour have just released their newest consumer price inspection on food in Icelandic stores has shown that there is a 356% difference between the most expensive store and the least expensive when buying fruit or vegetables. The biggest difference were carrots per kilo, which cost 269 krónur in Fjarðarkaup but 59 krónur in Bónus. There was also a 300% difference between potatos and leek. ÁSÍ warns consumers to check the prices on packaged vegetables and fruit to unpackaged as the difference in price can be startling. -mld News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Fundu Diego heilan á húfi í heimahúsi Innlent Minnst þrír foreldrar verkfallsbarna hafi misst vinnuna Innlent Sagðist fjárhagslegur þræll móður barnsins sem hann braut á Innlent Bein útsending: Skemmtilegustu kappræður kosningabaráttunnar Innlent Svarar Kára fullum hálsi Innlent Ekið á gangandi vegfaranda á Langholtsvegi Innlent FB stækkar og Framsókn aftur á gröfunni Innlent Kostaði umdeilda færslu á síðu flokks sem hann er hættur í Innlent Skilningsleysi fyrrverandi fjármálaráðherra um að kenna Innlent
ASÍ, the Icelandic Confederation of Labour have just released their newest consumer price inspection on food in Icelandic stores has shown that there is a 356% difference between the most expensive store and the least expensive when buying fruit or vegetables. The biggest difference were carrots per kilo, which cost 269 krónur in Fjarðarkaup but 59 krónur in Bónus. There was also a 300% difference between potatos and leek. ÁSÍ warns consumers to check the prices on packaged vegetables and fruit to unpackaged as the difference in price can be startling. -mld
News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Fundu Diego heilan á húfi í heimahúsi Innlent Minnst þrír foreldrar verkfallsbarna hafi misst vinnuna Innlent Sagðist fjárhagslegur þræll móður barnsins sem hann braut á Innlent Bein útsending: Skemmtilegustu kappræður kosningabaráttunnar Innlent Svarar Kára fullum hálsi Innlent Ekið á gangandi vegfaranda á Langholtsvegi Innlent FB stækkar og Framsókn aftur á gröfunni Innlent Kostaði umdeilda færslu á síðu flokks sem hann er hættur í Innlent Skilningsleysi fyrrverandi fjármálaráðherra um að kenna Innlent