Stunning images from the volcanic eruption in Holuhraun at sunrise By Bjarki Ármannsson 29. ágúst 2014 12:15 The Icelandic Met Office has lowered its aviation warning near Bardarbunga volcano from red to orange. The eruption that started in the Holuhraun lava field around midnight last night is not considered a risk to international flight plans. Our cameraman, Hörður Finnbogason, captured these stunning images of the eruption in Holuhraun just after sunrise this morning. It is plain to see that volcanic activity has decreased considerably since the eruption started. Authorities are monitoring the situation closely and many roads north of the volcano are still closed.Vísir/Hörður FinnbogasonVísir/Hörður FinnbogasonVísir/Hörður FinnbogasonVísir/Hörður Finnbogason News in English Tengdar fréttir Air traffic not affected The eruption in the Holuhraun lava field in Iceland has no impact on air traffic from Keflavik airport, at least at this stage. 29. ágúst 2014 06:19 The fissure thought to be about one kilometre long A scientist at the IMO in Iceland located about five kilometres from the eruption in Holuhraun, north of Dyngjujökull, estimates that the fissure is about one kilometer long. 29. ágúst 2014 04:14 Volcanic eruption confirmed north of Dyngjujökull Webcams show that lava eruption has started in Holuhraun, north of Dyngjujökull. 29. ágúst 2014 01:16 Mest lesið Utanríkisráðherra Danmerkur: „Svona talar þú ekki við nána bandamenn þína“ Erlent Bein útsending: Deildarmyrkvi á sólu Innlent Vildu hætta Ameríkuflugi en keyptu svo 757-þotuna Innlent Ekki náð að góma þjófa í dulargervi Innlent Blöskrar biðlaunin: „Hvernig segi ég mig úr þessu drasli?“ Innlent Segir orðræðu varaforsetans ósanngjarna Erlent Tala látinna komin yfir þúsund Erlent Mengun úr jarðvegi orsakaði skrýtið bragð af neysluvatni Innlent Nýtt hverfi innblásið af gömlu Reykjavík Innlent Næringarfræðingur segir próteinbita dulbúið sælgæti Innlent
The Icelandic Met Office has lowered its aviation warning near Bardarbunga volcano from red to orange. The eruption that started in the Holuhraun lava field around midnight last night is not considered a risk to international flight plans. Our cameraman, Hörður Finnbogason, captured these stunning images of the eruption in Holuhraun just after sunrise this morning. It is plain to see that volcanic activity has decreased considerably since the eruption started. Authorities are monitoring the situation closely and many roads north of the volcano are still closed.Vísir/Hörður FinnbogasonVísir/Hörður FinnbogasonVísir/Hörður FinnbogasonVísir/Hörður Finnbogason
News in English Tengdar fréttir Air traffic not affected The eruption in the Holuhraun lava field in Iceland has no impact on air traffic from Keflavik airport, at least at this stage. 29. ágúst 2014 06:19 The fissure thought to be about one kilometre long A scientist at the IMO in Iceland located about five kilometres from the eruption in Holuhraun, north of Dyngjujökull, estimates that the fissure is about one kilometer long. 29. ágúst 2014 04:14 Volcanic eruption confirmed north of Dyngjujökull Webcams show that lava eruption has started in Holuhraun, north of Dyngjujökull. 29. ágúst 2014 01:16 Mest lesið Utanríkisráðherra Danmerkur: „Svona talar þú ekki við nána bandamenn þína“ Erlent Bein útsending: Deildarmyrkvi á sólu Innlent Vildu hætta Ameríkuflugi en keyptu svo 757-þotuna Innlent Ekki náð að góma þjófa í dulargervi Innlent Blöskrar biðlaunin: „Hvernig segi ég mig úr þessu drasli?“ Innlent Segir orðræðu varaforsetans ósanngjarna Erlent Tala látinna komin yfir þúsund Erlent Mengun úr jarðvegi orsakaði skrýtið bragð af neysluvatni Innlent Nýtt hverfi innblásið af gömlu Reykjavík Innlent Næringarfræðingur segir próteinbita dulbúið sælgæti Innlent
Air traffic not affected The eruption in the Holuhraun lava field in Iceland has no impact on air traffic from Keflavik airport, at least at this stage. 29. ágúst 2014 06:19
The fissure thought to be about one kilometre long A scientist at the IMO in Iceland located about five kilometres from the eruption in Holuhraun, north of Dyngjujökull, estimates that the fissure is about one kilometer long. 29. ágúst 2014 04:14
Volcanic eruption confirmed north of Dyngjujökull Webcams show that lava eruption has started in Holuhraun, north of Dyngjujökull. 29. ágúst 2014 01:16