Timeline of events in the Ministry of the Interior scandal case By Aðalsteinn Kjartansson 19. nóvember 2014 09:36 Gísli Freyr Valdórsson speaks to the media after being handed an eight month parole sentence for leaking confidential information to the press. Gísli Freyr Valdórsson, former aide to Interior Minister Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, has been handed a parole sentence for leaking confidential information to the press. He declared his innocence up until new evidence emerged that the District Attorney believes would have proved his involvement in the case. The case started about a year ago when the Ministry of the Interior declared that the asylum seeker Tony Omos, whom was due soon to become a father, should be deported from Iceland. As a result of an announced protest due to the inhumane treatment of Omos outside the Ministry of the Interior, a memo was drafted which contained personal information about Omos. Gísli then leaked this memo to the press later that same day. Below is a timeline that shows the highlights in the case, from the moment that the mother of Omos's child steps forward up until the moment that Gísli is sentenced. Lekamálið News in English Mest lesið „Við viljum ekki vera Bandaríkjamenn“ Erlent Gert að loka annarri flugbraut Reykjavíkurflugvallar Innlent Nauðgaði andlega fatlaðri konu ítrekað og lét son hennar horfa á Innlent Húsköttur á Seltjarnarnesi með fuglaflensu Innlent Útgöngubann í borginni í nótt Erlent 85 ára og situr við alla daga og tálgar fugla úr íslensku birki Innlent Fíkniefnanotkun talin meginorsök banaslyss í Lækjargötu Innlent Mönnun tryggð út febrúar en staðan óboðleg Innlent Árið í fyrra það heitasta frá upphafi mælinga Innlent Grunuð um að setja milljónir af opinberu fé inn á veðmálasíður Innlent
Gísli Freyr Valdórsson, former aide to Interior Minister Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, has been handed a parole sentence for leaking confidential information to the press. He declared his innocence up until new evidence emerged that the District Attorney believes would have proved his involvement in the case. The case started about a year ago when the Ministry of the Interior declared that the asylum seeker Tony Omos, whom was due soon to become a father, should be deported from Iceland. As a result of an announced protest due to the inhumane treatment of Omos outside the Ministry of the Interior, a memo was drafted which contained personal information about Omos. Gísli then leaked this memo to the press later that same day. Below is a timeline that shows the highlights in the case, from the moment that the mother of Omos's child steps forward up until the moment that Gísli is sentenced.
Lekamálið News in English Mest lesið „Við viljum ekki vera Bandaríkjamenn“ Erlent Gert að loka annarri flugbraut Reykjavíkurflugvallar Innlent Nauðgaði andlega fatlaðri konu ítrekað og lét son hennar horfa á Innlent Húsköttur á Seltjarnarnesi með fuglaflensu Innlent Útgöngubann í borginni í nótt Erlent 85 ára og situr við alla daga og tálgar fugla úr íslensku birki Innlent Fíkniefnanotkun talin meginorsök banaslyss í Lækjargötu Innlent Mönnun tryggð út febrúar en staðan óboðleg Innlent Árið í fyrra það heitasta frá upphafi mælinga Innlent Grunuð um að setja milljónir af opinberu fé inn á veðmálasíður Innlent