Search underway for British tourist missing in Iceland By Bjarki Ármannsson 25. júní 2015 14:28 Benjamin Stokes. Rescue teams in Iceland have been called out to search for Benjamin Stokes, a 37 year old British tourist. Stokes was supposed to board an airplane to leave Iceland at 10 am Thursday morning but didn't show. His rental car was found close to Þingvellir, a national park which is located a half hour‘s drive from the capital Reykjavik. The car, a black Chevrolet Spark, is thought to have not been moved since Monday. Police asks anyone who has information regarding Stokes‘ stay in Iceland to contact them through 444-2010 (+354 if calling from abroad) or through e-mail, at 14.50: Benjamin Stokes has been found. News in English Mest lesið Stór hópur fullorðins fólks á Íslandi lifir eins og börn Innlent Banaslys á Suðurlandsvegi eftir grjóthrun Innlent Spyr um ábyrgð skólastjóra í stóra skómálinu Innlent Hvetja landsmenn til að búa sig undir neyðarástand Innlent Suðurlandsvegi lokað vegna alvarlegs slyss Innlent Menningarslys verði frumvarpið samþykkt Innlent „Hér er verið að saka fólk um alvarlega þætti“ Innlent Vilja úthýsa einkaþotum og þyrlum Innlent Trump „mjög reiður“ út í Pútín Erlent Reksturinn í uppnámi og uppsagnir fyrirhugaðar Innlent
Rescue teams in Iceland have been called out to search for Benjamin Stokes, a 37 year old British tourist. Stokes was supposed to board an airplane to leave Iceland at 10 am Thursday morning but didn't show. His rental car was found close to Þingvellir, a national park which is located a half hour‘s drive from the capital Reykjavik. The car, a black Chevrolet Spark, is thought to have not been moved since Monday. Police asks anyone who has information regarding Stokes‘ stay in Iceland to contact them through 444-2010 (+354 if calling from abroad) or through e-mail, at 14.50: Benjamin Stokes has been found.
News in English Mest lesið Stór hópur fullorðins fólks á Íslandi lifir eins og börn Innlent Banaslys á Suðurlandsvegi eftir grjóthrun Innlent Spyr um ábyrgð skólastjóra í stóra skómálinu Innlent Hvetja landsmenn til að búa sig undir neyðarástand Innlent Suðurlandsvegi lokað vegna alvarlegs slyss Innlent Menningarslys verði frumvarpið samþykkt Innlent „Hér er verið að saka fólk um alvarlega þætti“ Innlent Vilja úthýsa einkaþotum og þyrlum Innlent Trump „mjög reiður“ út í Pútín Erlent Reksturinn í uppnámi og uppsagnir fyrirhugaðar Innlent