Geir Haarde becomes new PM 6. júní 2006 10:37 Geir H. Haarde Utanríkisráðherra tilkynnir að hann sé að verða Forsætisráðherra eftir afsögn Halldórs Ásgrímssonar Forsætisráðherra Assistant to Prime Minister Halldor Asgrimsson Steingrimur Olafsson confirmed for AFP that, "The Prime Minister will resign from his post as Prime Minister some time in June, and from his post as Progressive Party chairman some time in September or October. He will be meeting with [Independence Party chairman and Foreign Minister] Geir H Haarde over the next few days to confirm an exact date as to when Haarde will take over."Former Progressive Party chairman Finnur Ingolfsson has been rumoured to be considering taking the position of party chairman, "but these are only rumours," said Olafsson.When asked if Iceland's economic situation influenced the PM's decision, Olafsson said, "I don't believe so, no. He's been in the business for over 30 years, and the local elections weren't as good as he'd hoped they would be, so he felt the time had come to step aside; that the party needed a fresh approach. He never mentioned economics."Olafur Th. Hardarson, a professor of political science at the University of Iceland, said that he felt Iceland's economic situation had "no influence whatsoever" on Asgrimsson's decision to resign."He's been a long time in politics, but the Progressive Party has been obtaining some very low results over the last two years. Of course, the possibility of economic troubles in the next few months might have contributed to his decision, but there is no doubt that the low support numbers are the major reason."According to the latest results of an ongoing Gallup poll, the Progressive Party would lose over half of its dozen seats if parliamentary elections were held today. In the local elections, the party obtained the support of only 11% of the country, as opposed 17% during the last municipal elections five years ago. An ongoing poll from Gallup shows that the percentage of Icelanders happy with his performance has dropped from 32% to 27% since he took the post in September of 2004, making him the third least popular minister in the Icelandic government.The Independence Party, by contrast, leads the majority coalitions of all but six of the 37 largest municipalities in Iceland, including Reykjavik.- PFN News News in English Mest lesið Sé skýrt að ráðherra hafi verið beittur þrýstingi Innlent Palestínskur leikstjóri barinn af landtökumönnum og handtekinn Erlent „Aflögunin er núna komin yfir öll fyrri mörk“ Innlent Stefna á að loka skólanum á næsta ári Innlent Blöskrar að fyrrverandi sambýlismaður gangi laus Innlent Misstu útlimi í árásum en vilja halda áfram að hjálpa Erlent Rússar sagðir vilja draga viðræður á langinn Erlent Ætlar að gefa kerfinu verkfæri til að taka á eltihrellum Innlent Bættu blaðamanni óvart í Signal-hóp um árásir á Húta Erlent Sinnir ekki þingstörfum á næstunni Innlent
Assistant to Prime Minister Halldor Asgrimsson Steingrimur Olafsson confirmed for AFP that, "The Prime Minister will resign from his post as Prime Minister some time in June, and from his post as Progressive Party chairman some time in September or October. He will be meeting with [Independence Party chairman and Foreign Minister] Geir H Haarde over the next few days to confirm an exact date as to when Haarde will take over."Former Progressive Party chairman Finnur Ingolfsson has been rumoured to be considering taking the position of party chairman, "but these are only rumours," said Olafsson.When asked if Iceland's economic situation influenced the PM's decision, Olafsson said, "I don't believe so, no. He's been in the business for over 30 years, and the local elections weren't as good as he'd hoped they would be, so he felt the time had come to step aside; that the party needed a fresh approach. He never mentioned economics."Olafur Th. Hardarson, a professor of political science at the University of Iceland, said that he felt Iceland's economic situation had "no influence whatsoever" on Asgrimsson's decision to resign."He's been a long time in politics, but the Progressive Party has been obtaining some very low results over the last two years. Of course, the possibility of economic troubles in the next few months might have contributed to his decision, but there is no doubt that the low support numbers are the major reason."According to the latest results of an ongoing Gallup poll, the Progressive Party would lose over half of its dozen seats if parliamentary elections were held today. In the local elections, the party obtained the support of only 11% of the country, as opposed 17% during the last municipal elections five years ago. An ongoing poll from Gallup shows that the percentage of Icelanders happy with his performance has dropped from 32% to 27% since he took the post in September of 2004, making him the third least popular minister in the Icelandic government.The Independence Party, by contrast, leads the majority coalitions of all but six of the 37 largest municipalities in Iceland, including Reykjavik.- PFN
News News in English Mest lesið Sé skýrt að ráðherra hafi verið beittur þrýstingi Innlent Palestínskur leikstjóri barinn af landtökumönnum og handtekinn Erlent „Aflögunin er núna komin yfir öll fyrri mörk“ Innlent Stefna á að loka skólanum á næsta ári Innlent Blöskrar að fyrrverandi sambýlismaður gangi laus Innlent Misstu útlimi í árásum en vilja halda áfram að hjálpa Erlent Rússar sagðir vilja draga viðræður á langinn Erlent Ætlar að gefa kerfinu verkfæri til að taka á eltihrellum Innlent Bættu blaðamanni óvart í Signal-hóp um árásir á Húta Erlent Sinnir ekki þingstörfum á næstunni Innlent