Iceland, The Happiest Country 30. júní 2006 10:11 Sumar í Reykjavík. fólk. tombóla. sól. fótbolti Iceland is officially the happiest country in the world, as published by Guardian this week. Next on the list was Australia. On the other end of the list are the former Eastern bloc countries Russia, Ukrania, Rumenia and Bulgaria. Interestingly, Mexico and Nigeria show that the Gross Domestic Product measurement was not always a factor in happiness, as these two countries had happier citizens then other better developed countries. This study took certain factors as education, living standards and life expectancy into the equation, which apparently pushed Iceland to the top. When asked why Australia was so high on the list Dr Leigh, economist from Australian National University, told the Guardian that weather could also be a factor, "though that flies in the face of the Iceland experience." -mld News News in English Mest lesið Hópur manna réðst á Íslending í Liverpool Innlent Fékk áfall þegar ranglega var fullyrt að stunguárásin hafi gerst á heimili hennar Innlent Hafdís og Sandra vilja stjórna Litla-Hrauni Innlent Maður lést í sprengingu um borð í skipi Smyril Line Erlent Telur ólíðandi að ekki hafi verið hægt að úrskurða afa sinn látinn um jólin Innlent Ekki verði hróflað við kvótakerfinu Innlent Lengsti óróapúlsinn til þessa Innlent Prestur á Nesinu segir nei takk við greiðslum Innlent „Ekki gera lítið úr þriðja formanninum“ Innlent Skaut sig áður en bíllinn sprakk Erlent
Iceland is officially the happiest country in the world, as published by Guardian this week. Next on the list was Australia. On the other end of the list are the former Eastern bloc countries Russia, Ukrania, Rumenia and Bulgaria. Interestingly, Mexico and Nigeria show that the Gross Domestic Product measurement was not always a factor in happiness, as these two countries had happier citizens then other better developed countries. This study took certain factors as education, living standards and life expectancy into the equation, which apparently pushed Iceland to the top. When asked why Australia was so high on the list Dr Leigh, economist from Australian National University, told the Guardian that weather could also be a factor, "though that flies in the face of the Iceland experience." -mld
News News in English Mest lesið Hópur manna réðst á Íslending í Liverpool Innlent Fékk áfall þegar ranglega var fullyrt að stunguárásin hafi gerst á heimili hennar Innlent Hafdís og Sandra vilja stjórna Litla-Hrauni Innlent Maður lést í sprengingu um borð í skipi Smyril Line Erlent Telur ólíðandi að ekki hafi verið hægt að úrskurða afa sinn látinn um jólin Innlent Ekki verði hróflað við kvótakerfinu Innlent Lengsti óróapúlsinn til þessa Innlent Prestur á Nesinu segir nei takk við greiðslum Innlent „Ekki gera lítið úr þriðja formanninum“ Innlent Skaut sig áður en bíllinn sprakk Erlent