Kárahnjúkar Dam Protested 6. júlí 2006 12:05 Kárahnjúkar The police in Seyðisfjörður is expecting protestors to arrive in Seyðisfjörður today with the Nordic ferry Smyril Line. Environmentalist group Íslandsvinir (Friends of Iceland) have announced that they are planning a family-oriented series of events at Snæfell, near Kárahnjúkar, from 21 to 31 July. The events include taking a walk around the area that will be flooded by Hálslón - the reservoir that will be created by the Kárahnjúkar dam. Different environmentalist groups from around the world are expected to be there as well, to provide information on the effects heavy industry will have on Icelandic society and Europe's largest wilderness. Last year a group of environmentalists and protestors also gathered in the area and camped out. This year even more people are expected to be at the camp. News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Vísir á landsfundi: Þúsund handabönd og þunnir stuðningsmenn Innlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent Bandaríkin muni eignast Grænland með einum eða öðrum hætti Erlent Bílarnir dregnir upp úr sjónum Innlent Grátandi foreldrar einhverfra ungmenna án úrræða Innlent Umtalað kynferðisbrotamál fer á efsta dómstigi Innlent Tillaga um að leggja af áminningarskyldu sé vanvirðing í garð starfsfólks Innlent Hótanir í tollamálum en sáttartónn í garð Úkraínu Erlent Forseti Hæstaréttar: „Mér er alveg sama þótt þetta séu tillögur frá einhverjum hópi“ Innlent
The police in Seyðisfjörður is expecting protestors to arrive in Seyðisfjörður today with the Nordic ferry Smyril Line. Environmentalist group Íslandsvinir (Friends of Iceland) have announced that they are planning a family-oriented series of events at Snæfell, near Kárahnjúkar, from 21 to 31 July. The events include taking a walk around the area that will be flooded by Hálslón - the reservoir that will be created by the Kárahnjúkar dam. Different environmentalist groups from around the world are expected to be there as well, to provide information on the effects heavy industry will have on Icelandic society and Europe's largest wilderness. Last year a group of environmentalists and protestors also gathered in the area and camped out. This year even more people are expected to be at the camp.
News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Vísir á landsfundi: Þúsund handabönd og þunnir stuðningsmenn Innlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent Bandaríkin muni eignast Grænland með einum eða öðrum hætti Erlent Bílarnir dregnir upp úr sjónum Innlent Grátandi foreldrar einhverfra ungmenna án úrræða Innlent Umtalað kynferðisbrotamál fer á efsta dómstigi Innlent Tillaga um að leggja af áminningarskyldu sé vanvirðing í garð starfsfólks Innlent Hótanir í tollamálum en sáttartónn í garð Úkraínu Erlent Forseti Hæstaréttar: „Mér er alveg sama þótt þetta séu tillögur frá einhverjum hópi“ Innlent