Fifteen thousand see Sigur Rós 31. júlí 2006 11:55 Sigurros a Klambratuni Icelandic band SIgur Rós thanked the people of Reykjavik for their support throughout the years with a gigantic outdoor concert at Miklatún park last night. Admission to the family friendly event was free and was also broadcasted live via satellite to the National Film Theatre in London as well as being shown on national channel RÚV. Police believe that around fifteen thousand people attended the event last night. Despite the crowds, police did not have to intervene at any point. Numerous international fans of SIgur Rós attended the event, which was proclaimed as"outstanding" by music fans. Sigur Rós will travel around the country with a series of low-key free admission shows, a tour followed by a film crew. News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Vísir á landsfundi: Þúsund handabönd og þunnir stuðningsmenn Innlent Bandaríkin muni eignast Grænland með einum eða öðrum hætti Erlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent Umtalað kynferðisbrotamál fer á efsta dómstigi Innlent Grátandi foreldrar einhverfra ungmenna án úrræða Innlent Bílarnir dregnir upp úr sjónum Innlent Tillaga um að leggja af áminningarskyldu sé vanvirðing í garð starfsfólks Innlent Hótanir í tollamálum en sáttartónn í garð Úkraínu Erlent Fer í hart við konuna sem sakaði hann um nauðgun Erlent
Icelandic band SIgur Rós thanked the people of Reykjavik for their support throughout the years with a gigantic outdoor concert at Miklatún park last night. Admission to the family friendly event was free and was also broadcasted live via satellite to the National Film Theatre in London as well as being shown on national channel RÚV. Police believe that around fifteen thousand people attended the event last night. Despite the crowds, police did not have to intervene at any point. Numerous international fans of SIgur Rós attended the event, which was proclaimed as"outstanding" by music fans. Sigur Rós will travel around the country with a series of low-key free admission shows, a tour followed by a film crew.
News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Vísir á landsfundi: Þúsund handabönd og þunnir stuðningsmenn Innlent Bandaríkin muni eignast Grænland með einum eða öðrum hætti Erlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent Umtalað kynferðisbrotamál fer á efsta dómstigi Innlent Grátandi foreldrar einhverfra ungmenna án úrræða Innlent Bílarnir dregnir upp úr sjónum Innlent Tillaga um að leggja af áminningarskyldu sé vanvirðing í garð starfsfólks Innlent Hótanir í tollamálum en sáttartónn í garð Úkraínu Erlent Fer í hart við konuna sem sakaði hann um nauðgun Erlent