Nick Cave Weekend in Reykjavík 18. september 2006 10:54 Tónleikar Nick Cave Nick Cave fans had a good weekend in Reykjavik. On Friday night Cave‘s film The Proposition was premiered as the final film for the Iceland Film Festival. Nick Cave wrote the script and the music for the film with Warren Ellis, his long-time contributor and fellow Bad Seeds member. Nick Cave and Warren Ellis showed up at the premiere in Háskólabíó and so did the actor Ray Winstone who plays one of the main characters in the film. Afterwards the party continued at Rex where the closing party for Iceland Film Festival was held. On Saturday night Cave held a sold out concert in Laugardalshöll. News News in English Mest lesið „Sleppið föngunum núna eða ykkar mun bíða helvíti“ Erlent Íslendingar eigi eitt tromp gegn Trump Innlent Anna Kristín Arngrímsdóttir er látin Innlent Þurfti þrjár tilraunir til að lenda í Keflavík Innlent Íhugar að bjóða fram fælingarmátt kjarnorkuvopnabúrsins Erlent Hugvíkkandi efni geti verið óheppileg fyrir fólk í bata Fréttir Vel tókst að slökkva eld við Nýbýlaveg Innlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Sérstakt að túlka tillögur almennings sem stríðsyfirlýsingu Innlent
Nick Cave fans had a good weekend in Reykjavik. On Friday night Cave‘s film The Proposition was premiered as the final film for the Iceland Film Festival. Nick Cave wrote the script and the music for the film with Warren Ellis, his long-time contributor and fellow Bad Seeds member. Nick Cave and Warren Ellis showed up at the premiere in Háskólabíó and so did the actor Ray Winstone who plays one of the main characters in the film. Afterwards the party continued at Rex where the closing party for Iceland Film Festival was held. On Saturday night Cave held a sold out concert in Laugardalshöll.
News News in English Mest lesið „Sleppið föngunum núna eða ykkar mun bíða helvíti“ Erlent Íslendingar eigi eitt tromp gegn Trump Innlent Anna Kristín Arngrímsdóttir er látin Innlent Þurfti þrjár tilraunir til að lenda í Keflavík Innlent Íhugar að bjóða fram fælingarmátt kjarnorkuvopnabúrsins Erlent Hugvíkkandi efni geti verið óheppileg fyrir fólk í bata Fréttir Vel tókst að slökkva eld við Nýbýlaveg Innlent Fimm þúsund starfsmenn borgarinnar fengu of mikið greitt Innlent Nafn mannsins sem lést í vinnuslysi í Vík Innlent Sérstakt að túlka tillögur almennings sem stríðsyfirlýsingu Innlent