
Marel merges with Stork

Marel hluthafafundur Hörður Arnarson forstjóri Árni Oddur Þórðarson stjórnarformaður séð yfir verksmiðjuna
Marel hluthafafundur Hörður Arnarson forstjóri Árni Oddur Þórðarson stjórnarformaður séð yfir verksmiðjuna

Icelandic food processing company Marel and Dutch company Stork are intending on a merger making Marel the largest food production company in the world. Stork Food Systems caters mainly for airlines and Marel currently owns 8 percent of shares in the company.

 On Thursday shareholders will vote on selling the majority of shares to Marel. The merger is a matter of some dispute in the Netherlands as Stork has a 179 years old history there. Árni Oddur Þórðarsson, board director of Marel says that this is a unique opportunity to create a world leader in the food industry.
