Japan Rehearsal in Iðnó 7. september 2006 09:54 Hljómsveitin Apparat A concert featuring some of Iceland's most prominent and innovative bands will be held tomorrow night at the Iðnó theatre by the city pond. The artists playing are Apparat Organ Quartet, Flís, Benni Hemm Hemm, Paul Lydon, Kira Kira and Hilmar Jensson. The concert is held as a kind of "warm-up" as the aforementioned bands go on tour in Japan from November 27 to December 7. " Japanese people seem to be really interested in Icelandic music. We are really excited about going there and finding out how they like our music," says Úlfur Eldjárn, member of Apparat Organ Quartet. " This is also something that we in Apparat really appreciate. We love keyboards and have had a lot of contact with Yamaha. It's a kind of Yamaha pilgrimage for us," he says, as the band intend to visit Yamaha's headquarters in Tokyo. Iðnó will open at 22.00 tomorrow night and tickets cost 1.200 kronas at Tólf Tónar or 1.500 kronas at the entry. News News in English Mest lesið Fær bætur vegna árásar grunnskólanema eftir allt saman Innlent Trump beinir spjótum sínum gegn Alþjóðlega sakamáladómstólnum Erlent Fjölskylduferðin hafi ekki haft úrslitaáhrif Innlent Ráðherra segist ekki skilja hvað þau hjá borginni eru að hugsa Innlent Dómari frystir biðlaunatilboð Trump fram yfir helgi Erlent „Það getur enginn unnið við að laga neitt í svona veðri“ Innlent Makaði saur um allt á salerni fyrirtækis Innlent „Þetta hörmulega og sorglega atvik endurspeglar langvinnan vanda“ Innlent Þjófur náðist eftir að hafa haft í hótunum Innlent Sýrlendingar og Bosníumaður meðal látinna Erlent
A concert featuring some of Iceland's most prominent and innovative bands will be held tomorrow night at the Iðnó theatre by the city pond. The artists playing are Apparat Organ Quartet, Flís, Benni Hemm Hemm, Paul Lydon, Kira Kira and Hilmar Jensson. The concert is held as a kind of "warm-up" as the aforementioned bands go on tour in Japan from November 27 to December 7. " Japanese people seem to be really interested in Icelandic music. We are really excited about going there and finding out how they like our music," says Úlfur Eldjárn, member of Apparat Organ Quartet. " This is also something that we in Apparat really appreciate. We love keyboards and have had a lot of contact with Yamaha. It's a kind of Yamaha pilgrimage for us," he says, as the band intend to visit Yamaha's headquarters in Tokyo. Iðnó will open at 22.00 tomorrow night and tickets cost 1.200 kronas at Tólf Tónar or 1.500 kronas at the entry.
News News in English Mest lesið Fær bætur vegna árásar grunnskólanema eftir allt saman Innlent Trump beinir spjótum sínum gegn Alþjóðlega sakamáladómstólnum Erlent Fjölskylduferðin hafi ekki haft úrslitaáhrif Innlent Ráðherra segist ekki skilja hvað þau hjá borginni eru að hugsa Innlent Dómari frystir biðlaunatilboð Trump fram yfir helgi Erlent „Það getur enginn unnið við að laga neitt í svona veðri“ Innlent Makaði saur um allt á salerni fyrirtækis Innlent „Þetta hörmulega og sorglega atvik endurspeglar langvinnan vanda“ Innlent Þjófur náðist eftir að hafa haft í hótunum Innlent Sýrlendingar og Bosníumaður meðal látinna Erlent