Teenager Drug Problem 9. nóvember 2006 12:15 Teenagers down town Reykjavík „Teenagers down to 13 years of age have drug problems,“ says Halldóra Gunnarsdóttir, the Chair of Reykjavik’s Child Welfare Board because of news about 12 - 13 year old children visiting the hospital emergency room. Halldóra says that when a child is brought to the hospital because of drug use it is reported to the Child Welfare and the parents are notified. If the child is just starting to try out drugs then the parents and school officials receive guidance on how to deal with the problem. If the child continues to use drugs then other methods are used. Often these children have some mental problems and they receive psychiatric support. „Parents receive help at home but sometimes the situation is so bad that they cannot deal with it on their own.“ Halldóra says that in many cases the Narcotics Police find these children and bring them to the emergency room. The Children Welfare therefore often receives notification from the police also. „In some cases the police investigate how the child got the substance but not in all cases.“ News News in English Mest lesið Pútín í Kúrsk: Farið verði með úkraínska hermenn eins og hryðjuverkamenn Erlent Gamall mafíuforingi skotinn til bana í Grenoble Erlent Handtekinn á vafasömum forsendum og hótað brottflutningi Erlent Allir vígamenn drepnir og gíslatökunni lokið Erlent Þrír í gæsluvarðhald vegna manndráps í Gufunesi Innlent Lögregla lýsir eftir manni Innlent Hafna ásökunum á hendur forystu flokksins Innlent Ótrúlega oft ekið á búfé á Suðurlandi Innlent Um fimm þúsund börn með offitu á Íslandi Innlent Reykjavíkurborg dregur úr áformunum Innlent
„Teenagers down to 13 years of age have drug problems,“ says Halldóra Gunnarsdóttir, the Chair of Reykjavik’s Child Welfare Board because of news about 12 - 13 year old children visiting the hospital emergency room. Halldóra says that when a child is brought to the hospital because of drug use it is reported to the Child Welfare and the parents are notified. If the child is just starting to try out drugs then the parents and school officials receive guidance on how to deal with the problem. If the child continues to use drugs then other methods are used. Often these children have some mental problems and they receive psychiatric support. „Parents receive help at home but sometimes the situation is so bad that they cannot deal with it on their own.“ Halldóra says that in many cases the Narcotics Police find these children and bring them to the emergency room. The Children Welfare therefore often receives notification from the police also. „In some cases the police investigate how the child got the substance but not in all cases.“
News News in English Mest lesið Pútín í Kúrsk: Farið verði með úkraínska hermenn eins og hryðjuverkamenn Erlent Gamall mafíuforingi skotinn til bana í Grenoble Erlent Handtekinn á vafasömum forsendum og hótað brottflutningi Erlent Allir vígamenn drepnir og gíslatökunni lokið Erlent Þrír í gæsluvarðhald vegna manndráps í Gufunesi Innlent Lögregla lýsir eftir manni Innlent Hafna ásökunum á hendur forystu flokksins Innlent Ótrúlega oft ekið á búfé á Suðurlandi Innlent Um fimm þúsund börn með offitu á Íslandi Innlent Reykjavíkurborg dregur úr áformunum Innlent