Watch this Face 12. desember 2006 11:12 Shadow Parade is a young band with a mature sound. Their down-tempo music hints at both soul and rock, but is never depressing. ReykjavíkMag caught up with lead singer Beggi Dan to find out about Dubious Intentions (the new debut album)… and the trifling matter of "making it" in the music industry.How did Shadow Parade get together in the first place? Well, me and Jón Gunnar are childhood friends. We started playing together as teenagers in various dubious teen bands, then we started this band in December 2003. Originally the plan was to make electronic down-tempo music, which we did. We recorded an EP and after getting good feedback we decided to go for it. I was living in Akureyri at the time so I packed up my studio and moved to Reykjavík to fully devote my time to making music with Jón Gunnar. After a short while we felt we needed to expand from the digital sound so we started to look for new members. We soon found brothers Andri and Maggi, who are also my childhood friends. Six months later we found Örn and Bjarni [Jón Gunnar's brother] and the band was complete and the mood was set. Your sound is quite unique. Did it just happen, or was there some sort of meeting to decide what you should sound like?[Laughs] There was no meeting…. It just evolved. Actually I don't think it's the sound that's unique - I think it's the way the band plays their instruments that's unique. I also think the songs are unique in their own way.Who are some of your favourite other bands and artists?That's a tough question! The Beatles are our favourite band. No contest. But to name a few, we also like Pink Floyd, The Doors, Radiohead, Elliott Smith & Nick Drake, as well as Muse. Oh, and Trent Reznor is amazing!So, correct me if I'm wrong - but the concert on Saturday is a sort of release party for Dubious Intentions? Is the concert sort of a way of letting off steam and allowing the band to celebrate… or is it all about us, the music-loving public?We are celebrating the long awaited release of Dubious Intentions! However we will be doing what we do best: playing live in front of an audience. We are a live band. Nothing beats a good concert with a good crowd.Do you have any expectations for what will happen when the album goes international next year? Another tough one... I think it's best not to have any expectations. A lot of good Icelandic bands have gone international (some signed with major labels) without anything really happening. It's probably like 60% hard work and 40% luck. We are hard workers, so hopefully we'll get lucky.Where would you most like to tour? We would love to tour the USA and the UK. We are going to three cities in the US in March so that's going to be fun. We also have plans to invade the UK next year.According to you; what is music? That's simple. There are only two types of music: real music and bad music. Real music - whatever the genre - has soul. Bad music has no soul.Do you see the band as a job or as a hobby? How much does it matter if you make great music, but you never really "make it"? We see the band as a job. For all of us the band is priority number one. We are very serious about our music. In our minds, we will have "made it" when we can earn a decent living from making music. That's not asking too much, is it? We don't need truckloads of money, flashy cars or boats or whatever. As long as we have food, cigarettes and a rehearsal space we are happy campers. - ae Music and Nightlife News in English Mest lesið Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Hringdi út um allt en samt komust ekki allir í tæka tíð Innlent Þykir leiðinlegt hvernig fundurinn fór Erlent Kynntu hagræðingartillögur ríkisstjórnarinnar Innlent Tollaákvarðanir Trump tóku gildi á miðnætti og Kína svarar fyrir sig Erlent Voru að meta skemmdir eftir fyrri lægð þegar aldan gleypti þá Innlent Ákvörðuninni líkt við eftirgjöf bandamanna gagnvart Hitler Erlent Gera ráð fyrir sparnaði upp á meira en 70 milljarða Innlent Þorgerður lætur ekki nettröllin hræða sig Innlent
Shadow Parade is a young band with a mature sound. Their down-tempo music hints at both soul and rock, but is never depressing. ReykjavíkMag caught up with lead singer Beggi Dan to find out about Dubious Intentions (the new debut album)… and the trifling matter of "making it" in the music industry.How did Shadow Parade get together in the first place? Well, me and Jón Gunnar are childhood friends. We started playing together as teenagers in various dubious teen bands, then we started this band in December 2003. Originally the plan was to make electronic down-tempo music, which we did. We recorded an EP and after getting good feedback we decided to go for it. I was living in Akureyri at the time so I packed up my studio and moved to Reykjavík to fully devote my time to making music with Jón Gunnar. After a short while we felt we needed to expand from the digital sound so we started to look for new members. We soon found brothers Andri and Maggi, who are also my childhood friends. Six months later we found Örn and Bjarni [Jón Gunnar's brother] and the band was complete and the mood was set. Your sound is quite unique. Did it just happen, or was there some sort of meeting to decide what you should sound like?[Laughs] There was no meeting…. It just evolved. Actually I don't think it's the sound that's unique - I think it's the way the band plays their instruments that's unique. I also think the songs are unique in their own way.Who are some of your favourite other bands and artists?That's a tough question! The Beatles are our favourite band. No contest. But to name a few, we also like Pink Floyd, The Doors, Radiohead, Elliott Smith & Nick Drake, as well as Muse. Oh, and Trent Reznor is amazing!So, correct me if I'm wrong - but the concert on Saturday is a sort of release party for Dubious Intentions? Is the concert sort of a way of letting off steam and allowing the band to celebrate… or is it all about us, the music-loving public?We are celebrating the long awaited release of Dubious Intentions! However we will be doing what we do best: playing live in front of an audience. We are a live band. Nothing beats a good concert with a good crowd.Do you have any expectations for what will happen when the album goes international next year? Another tough one... I think it's best not to have any expectations. A lot of good Icelandic bands have gone international (some signed with major labels) without anything really happening. It's probably like 60% hard work and 40% luck. We are hard workers, so hopefully we'll get lucky.Where would you most like to tour? We would love to tour the USA and the UK. We are going to three cities in the US in March so that's going to be fun. We also have plans to invade the UK next year.According to you; what is music? That's simple. There are only two types of music: real music and bad music. Real music - whatever the genre - has soul. Bad music has no soul.Do you see the band as a job or as a hobby? How much does it matter if you make great music, but you never really "make it"? We see the band as a job. For all of us the band is priority number one. We are very serious about our music. In our minds, we will have "made it" when we can earn a decent living from making music. That's not asking too much, is it? We don't need truckloads of money, flashy cars or boats or whatever. As long as we have food, cigarettes and a rehearsal space we are happy campers. - ae
Music and Nightlife News in English Mest lesið Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Hringdi út um allt en samt komust ekki allir í tæka tíð Innlent Þykir leiðinlegt hvernig fundurinn fór Erlent Kynntu hagræðingartillögur ríkisstjórnarinnar Innlent Tollaákvarðanir Trump tóku gildi á miðnætti og Kína svarar fyrir sig Erlent Voru að meta skemmdir eftir fyrri lægð þegar aldan gleypti þá Innlent Ákvörðuninni líkt við eftirgjöf bandamanna gagnvart Hitler Erlent Gera ráð fyrir sparnaði upp á meira en 70 milljarða Innlent Þorgerður lætur ekki nettröllin hræða sig Innlent