73% in Favor of Increased Environmental Protection 22. febrúar 2007 13:20 Skari According to a new Gallup Capacent poll, conducted for the Iceland Nature Conservation Association, roughly 73% of Icelanders believe that political parties should place more focus on environmental protection. When asked if political parties should give more attention to environmental protection, 37,2% answered that the parties should give a lot more attention to environmental protection, while 35,6% answered that the parties should give more attention to the topic. 22,6% Answered that they believed that environmental protection was receiving adequate attention, while 4,6% believed that environmental protection was receiving too much attention. There was a noticeable difference in opinion between the sexes, with around 78% of women in favour of more environmental protection, with 67% of men answering the same way. Of 1350 people polled, 800 answered. News News in English Reykjavik.com Mest lesið Segir ljóst að Sigurjón skorti hæfi Innlent Kennarar með viðbótarkröfur og fundi frestað Innlent Pálína 84 ára stendur vaktina alla daga á Landvegamótum Innlent Allir farþegarnir látnir Erlent Íslendingar fá leiðbeiningar um viðbrögð við stríði Innlent Klakastykki stórskemmdi bíl Innlent Óttast að Evrópuför ríkisstjórnarinnar endi sem bjölluat Innlent Baráttukonur minnast Ólafar Töru Innlent Ógnaði fólki með barefli í bænum Innlent Landsvirkjun leitar að gistingu á Suðurlandi Innlent
According to a new Gallup Capacent poll, conducted for the Iceland Nature Conservation Association, roughly 73% of Icelanders believe that political parties should place more focus on environmental protection. When asked if political parties should give more attention to environmental protection, 37,2% answered that the parties should give a lot more attention to environmental protection, while 35,6% answered that the parties should give more attention to the topic. 22,6% Answered that they believed that environmental protection was receiving adequate attention, while 4,6% believed that environmental protection was receiving too much attention. There was a noticeable difference in opinion between the sexes, with around 78% of women in favour of more environmental protection, with 67% of men answering the same way. Of 1350 people polled, 800 answered.
News News in English Reykjavik.com Mest lesið Segir ljóst að Sigurjón skorti hæfi Innlent Kennarar með viðbótarkröfur og fundi frestað Innlent Pálína 84 ára stendur vaktina alla daga á Landvegamótum Innlent Allir farþegarnir látnir Erlent Íslendingar fá leiðbeiningar um viðbrögð við stríði Innlent Klakastykki stórskemmdi bíl Innlent Óttast að Evrópuför ríkisstjórnarinnar endi sem bjölluat Innlent Baráttukonur minnast Ólafar Töru Innlent Ógnaði fólki með barefli í bænum Innlent Landsvirkjun leitar að gistingu á Suðurlandi Innlent