Tax Reduction Hits at Midnight 28. febrúar 2007 17:25 At midnight, new laws on Value Added Tax (VAT) and Excise tax on food will take effect in Iceland. According to the new laws, VAT on most food categories will be lowered from 14% to 7%. The Icelandic Consumer Agency projects a average price reduction of 6.1%. Most food categories also carry Excise Tax, which will in most cases be abandoned. Tolls and tariffs on imported meat will be reduced up to 40%. VAT on books and CDs will also be lowered from 24.5% to 7%, which means a price reduction of 14.1%. Also affected will be hotel rates, but VAT on hotel prices will be reduced from 14% to 7%. News News in English Mest lesið Reksturinn í uppnámi og uppsagnir fyrirhugaðar Innlent Trump „mjög reiður“ út í Pútín Erlent „Margir sem ég þekki hafa þurft að yfirgefa heimili sín“ Erlent Þrír fundust látnir í Noregi Erlent Trúverðugleiki forsætisráðherra sé í húfi Innlent Áfram talinn vanhæfur til að taka sæti í ráðinu Innlent Le Pen sakfelld fyrir fjársvik Erlent Fordæma árás á sjúkraliða Erlent Bein útsending: Ráðherra kynnir fjármálaáætlun Innlent „Sonur minn hjálpar mér að halda áfram“ Erlent
At midnight, new laws on Value Added Tax (VAT) and Excise tax on food will take effect in Iceland. According to the new laws, VAT on most food categories will be lowered from 14% to 7%. The Icelandic Consumer Agency projects a average price reduction of 6.1%. Most food categories also carry Excise Tax, which will in most cases be abandoned. Tolls and tariffs on imported meat will be reduced up to 40%. VAT on books and CDs will also be lowered from 24.5% to 7%, which means a price reduction of 14.1%. Also affected will be hotel rates, but VAT on hotel prices will be reduced from 14% to 7%.
News News in English Mest lesið Reksturinn í uppnámi og uppsagnir fyrirhugaðar Innlent Trump „mjög reiður“ út í Pútín Erlent „Margir sem ég þekki hafa þurft að yfirgefa heimili sín“ Erlent Þrír fundust látnir í Noregi Erlent Trúverðugleiki forsætisráðherra sé í húfi Innlent Áfram talinn vanhæfur til að taka sæti í ráðinu Innlent Le Pen sakfelld fyrir fjársvik Erlent Fordæma árás á sjúkraliða Erlent Bein útsending: Ráðherra kynnir fjármálaáætlun Innlent „Sonur minn hjálpar mér að halda áfram“ Erlent