Future Depends on Europe 8. mars 2007 22:30 Fréttarblaðið reports today that the members of the Progressive Party claim that Iceland’s future depends on a closer relationship with other European nations. In a special statement the Party submitted to the European Committee they argue that Icelandic authorities can’t deny the fact that the most important international cooperation the country is part of, is a close collaboration with Europe. Hjálmar Árnason, a member of the Progressive Party and a representative on the European Committee, told Fréttablaðið that a European Union membership isn’t timely at the moment but that it would however be unprofessional to rule out a possible membership in the future. The members of The Left-Green Movement and the Independence Party have issued a joint statement rejecting all plans of a EU membership. The representatives of The Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Alliance haven’t expressed their opinions yet. News News in English Mest lesið „Faðir minn stakk rýtingi í bakið á mér“ Innlent Kona sem sagðist vera Madeleine McCann handtekin Erlent Sagði upp eftir tíðindi dagsins og segir fleiri uppsagnarbréf á leiðinni Innlent Festist í fjöru á höfuðborgarsvæðinu Innlent Segir ekkert til í ásökunum KÍ um flokkadrætti Innlent Ákvörðun tekin án samráðs við nokkurn nema MS og Bændasamtökin Innlent Fer fram á stjórnsýsluúttekt á aðdraganda lokunarinnar Innlent Hamas reiðubúin að láta af stjórn Gaza Erlent Samþykktu að breyta skráningu svo þiggja megi styrki Innlent „Flokkur fólksins virðist hafa látið plata sig algjörlega“ Innlent
Fréttarblaðið reports today that the members of the Progressive Party claim that Iceland’s future depends on a closer relationship with other European nations. In a special statement the Party submitted to the European Committee they argue that Icelandic authorities can’t deny the fact that the most important international cooperation the country is part of, is a close collaboration with Europe. Hjálmar Árnason, a member of the Progressive Party and a representative on the European Committee, told Fréttablaðið that a European Union membership isn’t timely at the moment but that it would however be unprofessional to rule out a possible membership in the future. The members of The Left-Green Movement and the Independence Party have issued a joint statement rejecting all plans of a EU membership. The representatives of The Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Alliance haven’t expressed their opinions yet.
News News in English Mest lesið „Faðir minn stakk rýtingi í bakið á mér“ Innlent Kona sem sagðist vera Madeleine McCann handtekin Erlent Sagði upp eftir tíðindi dagsins og segir fleiri uppsagnarbréf á leiðinni Innlent Festist í fjöru á höfuðborgarsvæðinu Innlent Segir ekkert til í ásökunum KÍ um flokkadrætti Innlent Ákvörðun tekin án samráðs við nokkurn nema MS og Bændasamtökin Innlent Fer fram á stjórnsýsluúttekt á aðdraganda lokunarinnar Innlent Hamas reiðubúin að láta af stjórn Gaza Erlent Samþykktu að breyta skráningu svo þiggja megi styrki Innlent „Flokkur fólksins virðist hafa látið plata sig algjörlega“ Innlent