Til að mynda sagði hann 37 sinnum motherfucker í Jackie Brown og 26 sinnum í Pulp Fiction.
Jackson hefur nefnilega sagt orðið “motherfucker“ 171 sinni í 27 kvikmyndum, en þær eru:
"School Daze" (1988)
"Jungle Fever" (1991)
"Strictly Business" (1991)
"Menace II Society" (1993)
"True Romance" (1993)
"Fresh" (1994)
"Pulp Fiction" (1994)
"Die Hard: With a Vengeance" (1995)
"Hard Eight" (1996)
"The Great White Hype" (1996)
"The Long Kiss Goodnight" (1996)
"Jackie Brown" (1997)
"The Negotiator" (1998)
"Rules of Engagement" (2000)
"Shaft" (2000)
"Formula 51" (2001)
"Basic" (2003)
"In My Country" (2004)
"Freedomland" (2006)
"Snakes on a Plane"
"Black Snake Moan" (2006)
"Soul Men" (2008)
"Arena" (2011)
"Meeting Evil" (2012)
"Django Unchained" (2012)
"Oldboy" (2013)
"RoboCop" (2014)