Storm expected tomorrow By Samúel Karl Ólason 29. nóvember 2014 18:50 A heavy storm will hit Iceland in the afternoon tomorrow (Sunday), with winds up to 50 meters per second. Photo/The Icelandic Met Office Strong southeast gale warning is in effect near noon tomorrow. Expected southwest gale tomorrow evening and in some places violent storm. A heavy storm will hit Iceland in the afternoon tomorrow (Sunday), with winds up to 50 meters per second and substantial rain. On average the wind is expected to be in between 20 – 30 m/s in the afternoon. The Icelandic Met Office urges people not to travel and to secure loose objects. The storm will reach it’s peak around nine o’clock tomorrow evening. On Monday average winds of 18 – 25 m/s in the morning and 13 – 20 in the afternoon with sleetshowers and later snowshowers in the western part of Iceland. Further information can be seen on the Icelandic Met Office homepage. News in English Mest lesið „Þetta snýst ekki um einhvern helvítis flugvöll“ Innlent Formlegar viðræður hafnar Innlent Framsókn hafi ekki átt annarra kosta völ Innlent Var vel meðvitaður um ákvörðun Einars Innlent Vísa alfarið á Einar sem hafi fullt umboð Innlent Ekkert breyst nema fylgi flokkanna Innlent Skýr afstaða Framsóknar hafi komið á óvart Innlent Meirihlutinn fallinn í borginni Innlent Landsréttur skipar Héraðsdómi að taka Kiðjabergsmálið til meðferðar Innlent Jóhann Páll gengur í stað Ölmu Innlent
Strong southeast gale warning is in effect near noon tomorrow. Expected southwest gale tomorrow evening and in some places violent storm. A heavy storm will hit Iceland in the afternoon tomorrow (Sunday), with winds up to 50 meters per second and substantial rain. On average the wind is expected to be in between 20 – 30 m/s in the afternoon. The Icelandic Met Office urges people not to travel and to secure loose objects. The storm will reach it’s peak around nine o’clock tomorrow evening. On Monday average winds of 18 – 25 m/s in the morning and 13 – 20 in the afternoon with sleetshowers and later snowshowers in the western part of Iceland. Further information can be seen on the Icelandic Met Office homepage.
News in English Mest lesið „Þetta snýst ekki um einhvern helvítis flugvöll“ Innlent Formlegar viðræður hafnar Innlent Framsókn hafi ekki átt annarra kosta völ Innlent Var vel meðvitaður um ákvörðun Einars Innlent Vísa alfarið á Einar sem hafi fullt umboð Innlent Ekkert breyst nema fylgi flokkanna Innlent Skýr afstaða Framsóknar hafi komið á óvart Innlent Meirihlutinn fallinn í borginni Innlent Landsréttur skipar Héraðsdómi að taka Kiðjabergsmálið til meðferðar Innlent Jóhann Páll gengur í stað Ölmu Innlent