Icelanders consume more anti-depressants now than a decade ago 24. nóvember 2014 11:22 The greatest amount of anti-depressants of all the OECD countries. Photo/Pjetur According to the National Broadcasting Service Icelanders are prescribed drugs to treat mental health and neurology problems more frequently now than a decade ago. Iceland consumes the greatest amount of anti-depressants of all the OECD countries. 39 thousand individuals were prescribed anti-depressants in 2013 and 34 thousand were prescribed sleeping pills at least once that same year. The most commonly prescribed anti-depressant is zopiklón which is not to be consumed for more than 2 to 4 weeks at a time. However, many individuals use the medication for many years.For more news from Iceland in English visit News in English Mest lesið Segist vita hver vó Geirfinn Innlent Vita ekki hvað fór úrskeiðis Innlent Airbus-þota Icelandair flaug í fyrsta sinn í dag Innlent Ógildu lögin gætu bakað ríkinu skaðabótaskyldu Innlent Miðflokksmenn séu mestu vælukjóarnir Innlent Fern ný jarðgöng undirbúin meðan Fjarðarheiðin bíður Innlent Ungar danskar konur taldar hafa látist af metanóleitrun Erlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent „Þetta er ofboðslega vond tilfinning - mjög vond“ Innlent Lykildagar fram undan: „Það er mjög erfitt ástand á heimilinu“ Innlent
According to the National Broadcasting Service Icelanders are prescribed drugs to treat mental health and neurology problems more frequently now than a decade ago. Iceland consumes the greatest amount of anti-depressants of all the OECD countries. 39 thousand individuals were prescribed anti-depressants in 2013 and 34 thousand were prescribed sleeping pills at least once that same year. The most commonly prescribed anti-depressant is zopiklón which is not to be consumed for more than 2 to 4 weeks at a time. However, many individuals use the medication for many years.For more news from Iceland in English visit
News in English Mest lesið Segist vita hver vó Geirfinn Innlent Vita ekki hvað fór úrskeiðis Innlent Airbus-þota Icelandair flaug í fyrsta sinn í dag Innlent Ógildu lögin gætu bakað ríkinu skaðabótaskyldu Innlent Miðflokksmenn séu mestu vælukjóarnir Innlent Fern ný jarðgöng undirbúin meðan Fjarðarheiðin bíður Innlent Ungar danskar konur taldar hafa látist af metanóleitrun Erlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent „Þetta er ofboðslega vond tilfinning - mjög vond“ Innlent Lykildagar fram undan: „Það er mjög erfitt ástand á heimilinu“ Innlent