Parents in Reykjavik are encouraged to pick up their kids from school By Kolbeinn Tumi Daðason 16. desember 2014 11:36 photo/auðunn Parents in the Reykjavik area are encouraged to pick up their kids from school today due to the snow storm which hit the southwest part of the country this morning. Furthermore teachers at the schools are asked to not allow children to leave school unless in the company of adults.Guidelines for parents The Capital District Fire and Rescue Service (SHS) has, in cooperation with local educational authorities, provided response guidelines for parents and educators in case of disruption of school operations due to adverse weather conditions. Local weather conditions and forecasts will be monitored and announcements sent to the public in accordance with these guidelines and in cooperation with emergency and educational authorities.Guidelines can be found in English, Spanish, Polish and Russian here. News in English Mest lesið Segist vita hver vó Geirfinn Innlent Vita ekki hvað fór úrskeiðis Innlent Airbus-þota Icelandair flaug í fyrsta sinn í dag Innlent Ógildu lögin gætu bakað ríkinu skaðabótaskyldu Innlent Miðflokksmenn séu mestu vælukjóarnir Innlent Fern ný jarðgöng undirbúin meðan Fjarðarheiðin bíður Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Ungar danskar konur taldar hafa látist af metanóleitrun Erlent Lykildagar fram undan: „Það er mjög erfitt ástand á heimilinu“ Innlent Hinsegin fólk í Bandaríkjunum horfir til Íslands Innlent
Parents in the Reykjavik area are encouraged to pick up their kids from school today due to the snow storm which hit the southwest part of the country this morning. Furthermore teachers at the schools are asked to not allow children to leave school unless in the company of adults.Guidelines for parents The Capital District Fire and Rescue Service (SHS) has, in cooperation with local educational authorities, provided response guidelines for parents and educators in case of disruption of school operations due to adverse weather conditions. Local weather conditions and forecasts will be monitored and announcements sent to the public in accordance with these guidelines and in cooperation with emergency and educational authorities.Guidelines can be found in English, Spanish, Polish and Russian here.
News in English Mest lesið Segist vita hver vó Geirfinn Innlent Vita ekki hvað fór úrskeiðis Innlent Airbus-þota Icelandair flaug í fyrsta sinn í dag Innlent Ógildu lögin gætu bakað ríkinu skaðabótaskyldu Innlent Miðflokksmenn séu mestu vælukjóarnir Innlent Fern ný jarðgöng undirbúin meðan Fjarðarheiðin bíður Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Ungar danskar konur taldar hafa látist af metanóleitrun Erlent Lykildagar fram undan: „Það er mjög erfitt ástand á heimilinu“ Innlent Hinsegin fólk í Bandaríkjunum horfir til Íslands Innlent