An Icelandic filmmaker is reported to be behind some of ISIS's recruitment videos 10. desember 2014 14:29 The claim has yet to be proven true. A blog post published on the website on Tuesday maintains that an Icelandic filmmaker is behind some of ISIS’s recruitment videos. Grapevine was the first Icelandic news outlet to report the story. The posts author, Sarah Birke, quotes a Syrian defector from ISIS saying that “an Icelandic filmmaker was among the recruits to the group, hence the professional videos used to attract new recruits and scare Western viewers.” The National Broadcasting Service, RÚV, contacted Birke who says her source, a man named Abu Hamza, was convinced that the filmmaker’s nationality was indeed Icelandic. However, he provided her with very little additional information. The claim has yet to be proven true. In October RÚV reported that an organization linked to the militant group ISIS had its domain name registered in Iceland. The domain was registered with the Icelandic web hosting service ISNIC that terminated the domain due to the website’s content. For more news from Iceland in English visit News in English Mest lesið Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Kynntu hagræðingartillögur ríkisstjórnarinnar Innlent Tollaákvarðanir Trump tóku gildi á miðnætti og Kína svarar fyrir sig Erlent Voru að meta skemmdir eftir fyrri lægð þegar aldan gleypti þá Innlent Þykir leiðinlegt hvernig fundurinn fór Erlent Ákvörðuninni líkt við eftirgjöf bandamanna gagnvart Hitler Erlent Þorgerður lætur ekki nettröllin hræða sig Innlent Ísland gæti orðið leiðandi í notkun hugvíkkandi efna Innlent Gera ráð fyrir sparnaði upp á meira en 70 milljarða Innlent
A blog post published on the website on Tuesday maintains that an Icelandic filmmaker is behind some of ISIS’s recruitment videos. Grapevine was the first Icelandic news outlet to report the story. The posts author, Sarah Birke, quotes a Syrian defector from ISIS saying that “an Icelandic filmmaker was among the recruits to the group, hence the professional videos used to attract new recruits and scare Western viewers.” The National Broadcasting Service, RÚV, contacted Birke who says her source, a man named Abu Hamza, was convinced that the filmmaker’s nationality was indeed Icelandic. However, he provided her with very little additional information. The claim has yet to be proven true. In October RÚV reported that an organization linked to the militant group ISIS had its domain name registered in Iceland. The domain was registered with the Icelandic web hosting service ISNIC that terminated the domain due to the website’s content. For more news from Iceland in English visit
News in English Mest lesið Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Kynntu hagræðingartillögur ríkisstjórnarinnar Innlent Tollaákvarðanir Trump tóku gildi á miðnætti og Kína svarar fyrir sig Erlent Voru að meta skemmdir eftir fyrri lægð þegar aldan gleypti þá Innlent Þykir leiðinlegt hvernig fundurinn fór Erlent Ákvörðuninni líkt við eftirgjöf bandamanna gagnvart Hitler Erlent Þorgerður lætur ekki nettröllin hræða sig Innlent Ísland gæti orðið leiðandi í notkun hugvíkkandi efna Innlent Gera ráð fyrir sparnaði upp á meira en 70 milljarða Innlent