Watch the eclipse live from Iceland 19. mars 2015 16:30 On Friday Icelanders and other Europeans will witness the continent's darkest solar eclipse since 1999. In Reykjavík, people will witness the moon cover 97,5% of the sun. It is the largest solar eclipse over Iceland since 1954. The eclipse will last for two hours in Reykjavík and starts at 08:38 a.m. GMT. It will reach its apex at 09:37 and finish at 10:39. You´ll be able to watch the eclipse live from Reykjavík here on Vísir. The broadcast starts at 08:30 a.m. GMT.Updated 20.3. The solar eclipse was watched by Icelanders in perfect weather conditions this morning. A video of the livestream on Vísir is now available in the player above. News in English Mest lesið Segist vita hver vó Geirfinn Innlent Vita ekki hvað fór úrskeiðis Innlent Airbus-þota Icelandair flaug í fyrsta sinn í dag Innlent Ógildu lögin gætu bakað ríkinu skaðabótaskyldu Innlent Miðflokksmenn séu mestu vælukjóarnir Innlent Fern ný jarðgöng undirbúin meðan Fjarðarheiðin bíður Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Ungar danskar konur taldar hafa látist af metanóleitrun Erlent Hinsegin fólk í Bandaríkjunum horfir til Íslands Innlent Lykildagar fram undan: „Það er mjög erfitt ástand á heimilinu“ Innlent
On Friday Icelanders and other Europeans will witness the continent's darkest solar eclipse since 1999. In Reykjavík, people will witness the moon cover 97,5% of the sun. It is the largest solar eclipse over Iceland since 1954. The eclipse will last for two hours in Reykjavík and starts at 08:38 a.m. GMT. It will reach its apex at 09:37 and finish at 10:39. You´ll be able to watch the eclipse live from Reykjavík here on Vísir. The broadcast starts at 08:30 a.m. GMT.Updated 20.3. The solar eclipse was watched by Icelanders in perfect weather conditions this morning. A video of the livestream on Vísir is now available in the player above.
News in English Mest lesið Segist vita hver vó Geirfinn Innlent Vita ekki hvað fór úrskeiðis Innlent Airbus-þota Icelandair flaug í fyrsta sinn í dag Innlent Ógildu lögin gætu bakað ríkinu skaðabótaskyldu Innlent Miðflokksmenn séu mestu vælukjóarnir Innlent Fern ný jarðgöng undirbúin meðan Fjarðarheiðin bíður Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Ungar danskar konur taldar hafa látist af metanóleitrun Erlent Hinsegin fólk í Bandaríkjunum horfir til Íslands Innlent Lykildagar fram undan: „Það er mjög erfitt ástand á heimilinu“ Innlent