Björk to perform at Iceland Airwaves 2015 By Atli Ísleifsson 19. mars 2015 13:05 Björk recently released her eighth studio album, Vulnicura. Vísir/Getty Icelandic singer Björk will be one of the artists performing at this year's edition of Iceland Airwaves music festival in Reykjavík in November. Björk will perform in Harpa's main hall Eldborg November 3rd.Ticket sales start at noon GMT, Friday March 27th. However Iceland Airwaves ticket holders will have a chance to buy pre-sale tickets from noon GMT, Thursday March 26th. The line-up this year also include John Grant with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra (US/IS), Gus Gus (IS) Father John Misty (US), Agent Fresco (IS), La Priest (UK), Låpsley (UK), The Pop Group (UK), Verité (US), Sóley (IS), Bubbi og Dimma (IS), Mammút (IS), Hundred Waters (US), Sea Change (NO), Vök (IS) , Emmsjé Gauti (IS), Ho99o9 (US), Ylja (US), AmabAdama (IS), Muck (IS), Hekla (IS), Júníus Meyvant (IS) and Mourn (ES). On the Iceland Airwaves web page Björk is described as a rare artist – a true original, a non-conformist with wide appeal, an extraordinary genre-busting musical individual who speaks to the heart, the head and the feet. "She is the quintessential modern musician, ceaselessly innovating, and completely multidimensional in the way she uses performance, technology, fashion, video and art to complement her music." Björk recently released her eighth studio album, Vulnicura, written, produced and recorded in collaboration with Venezuelan producer Arca and British musician The Haxan Cloak with string arrangements by Björk. Iceland Airwaves will kick off November 4th and close at November 8th. The first Iceland Airwaves show was held in 1999 as a one-off event in an airplane hangar at Reykjavík Airport. Today, thousands come to visit Iceland, specifically to attend the festival. News in English Tengdar fréttir People of Airwaves: Missed her favourite band Joelle is from Wisconsin and works as a writer. This is her first trip to Iceland, but her best friend lives here. 7. nóvember 2014 19:33 People of Airwaves: Nothing compares to Icelandic reggae The friends Maddalena Cebese and Victoria Wadersee are both German but live in London where they're attending university together. 7. nóvember 2014 22:30 People of Airwaves: Not drunk enough yet to pick up girls Kevin Velasco from Seattle is visiting his friend Ben Crowe who's studying Icelandic Studies at the University of Iceland. 7. nóvember 2014 18:31 People of Airwaves: People thought me weird for going alone to Iceland. Stefano from Italy was sitting quietly and going over tonight's programme when our reporter chatted with him. 9. nóvember 2014 13:27 People of Airwaves: Came from the US to volunteer for Airwaves One thing that has not gone unnoticed here at Iceland Airwaves is that many of the festival staff are young people from outside of Iceland. 9. nóvember 2014 14:11 People of Airwaves: Had Iceland tattooed on his arm The trio of Tito, Benua and Antoine from Belgium were delighted with their stay in Iceland and were having a great time. 9. nóvember 2014 14:56 People of Airwaves: Playing the wingwoman The friends Jill Casavant and Natalie Spaeth from Atlanta, Georgia, are excited about the Iceland Airwaves festival. 7. nóvember 2014 22:24 People of Airwaves: Loves the Icelandic chocolate cake "We love the Icelandic nature, the people and Reykjavík. Just all of it," says Theo and Joyce. 7. nóvember 2014 20:47 Mest lesið Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Hringdi út um allt en samt komust ekki allir í tæka tíð Innlent Þykir leiðinlegt hvernig fundurinn fór Erlent Kynntu hagræðingartillögur ríkisstjórnarinnar Innlent Tollaákvarðanir Trump tóku gildi á miðnætti og Kína svarar fyrir sig Erlent Voru að meta skemmdir eftir fyrri lægð þegar aldan gleypti þá Innlent Ákvörðuninni líkt við eftirgjöf bandamanna gagnvart Hitler Erlent Gera ráð fyrir sparnaði upp á meira en 70 milljarða Innlent Þorgerður lætur ekki nettröllin hræða sig Innlent
Icelandic singer Björk will be one of the artists performing at this year's edition of Iceland Airwaves music festival in Reykjavík in November. Björk will perform in Harpa's main hall Eldborg November 3rd.Ticket sales start at noon GMT, Friday March 27th. However Iceland Airwaves ticket holders will have a chance to buy pre-sale tickets from noon GMT, Thursday March 26th. The line-up this year also include John Grant with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra (US/IS), Gus Gus (IS) Father John Misty (US), Agent Fresco (IS), La Priest (UK), Låpsley (UK), The Pop Group (UK), Verité (US), Sóley (IS), Bubbi og Dimma (IS), Mammút (IS), Hundred Waters (US), Sea Change (NO), Vök (IS) , Emmsjé Gauti (IS), Ho99o9 (US), Ylja (US), AmabAdama (IS), Muck (IS), Hekla (IS), Júníus Meyvant (IS) and Mourn (ES). On the Iceland Airwaves web page Björk is described as a rare artist – a true original, a non-conformist with wide appeal, an extraordinary genre-busting musical individual who speaks to the heart, the head and the feet. "She is the quintessential modern musician, ceaselessly innovating, and completely multidimensional in the way she uses performance, technology, fashion, video and art to complement her music." Björk recently released her eighth studio album, Vulnicura, written, produced and recorded in collaboration with Venezuelan producer Arca and British musician The Haxan Cloak with string arrangements by Björk. Iceland Airwaves will kick off November 4th and close at November 8th. The first Iceland Airwaves show was held in 1999 as a one-off event in an airplane hangar at Reykjavík Airport. Today, thousands come to visit Iceland, specifically to attend the festival.
News in English Tengdar fréttir People of Airwaves: Missed her favourite band Joelle is from Wisconsin and works as a writer. This is her first trip to Iceland, but her best friend lives here. 7. nóvember 2014 19:33 People of Airwaves: Nothing compares to Icelandic reggae The friends Maddalena Cebese and Victoria Wadersee are both German but live in London where they're attending university together. 7. nóvember 2014 22:30 People of Airwaves: Not drunk enough yet to pick up girls Kevin Velasco from Seattle is visiting his friend Ben Crowe who's studying Icelandic Studies at the University of Iceland. 7. nóvember 2014 18:31 People of Airwaves: People thought me weird for going alone to Iceland. Stefano from Italy was sitting quietly and going over tonight's programme when our reporter chatted with him. 9. nóvember 2014 13:27 People of Airwaves: Came from the US to volunteer for Airwaves One thing that has not gone unnoticed here at Iceland Airwaves is that many of the festival staff are young people from outside of Iceland. 9. nóvember 2014 14:11 People of Airwaves: Had Iceland tattooed on his arm The trio of Tito, Benua and Antoine from Belgium were delighted with their stay in Iceland and were having a great time. 9. nóvember 2014 14:56 People of Airwaves: Playing the wingwoman The friends Jill Casavant and Natalie Spaeth from Atlanta, Georgia, are excited about the Iceland Airwaves festival. 7. nóvember 2014 22:24 People of Airwaves: Loves the Icelandic chocolate cake "We love the Icelandic nature, the people and Reykjavík. Just all of it," says Theo and Joyce. 7. nóvember 2014 20:47 Mest lesið Blóðug slagsmál tveggja landsfundargesta Innlent „Steinhissa“ þegar honum var birt ákæra Innlent Hringdi út um allt en samt komust ekki allir í tæka tíð Innlent Þykir leiðinlegt hvernig fundurinn fór Erlent Kynntu hagræðingartillögur ríkisstjórnarinnar Innlent Tollaákvarðanir Trump tóku gildi á miðnætti og Kína svarar fyrir sig Erlent Voru að meta skemmdir eftir fyrri lægð þegar aldan gleypti þá Innlent Ákvörðuninni líkt við eftirgjöf bandamanna gagnvart Hitler Erlent Gera ráð fyrir sparnaði upp á meira en 70 milljarða Innlent Þorgerður lætur ekki nettröllin hræða sig Innlent
People of Airwaves: Missed her favourite band Joelle is from Wisconsin and works as a writer. This is her first trip to Iceland, but her best friend lives here. 7. nóvember 2014 19:33
People of Airwaves: Nothing compares to Icelandic reggae The friends Maddalena Cebese and Victoria Wadersee are both German but live in London where they're attending university together. 7. nóvember 2014 22:30
People of Airwaves: Not drunk enough yet to pick up girls Kevin Velasco from Seattle is visiting his friend Ben Crowe who's studying Icelandic Studies at the University of Iceland. 7. nóvember 2014 18:31
People of Airwaves: People thought me weird for going alone to Iceland. Stefano from Italy was sitting quietly and going over tonight's programme when our reporter chatted with him. 9. nóvember 2014 13:27
People of Airwaves: Came from the US to volunteer for Airwaves One thing that has not gone unnoticed here at Iceland Airwaves is that many of the festival staff are young people from outside of Iceland. 9. nóvember 2014 14:11
People of Airwaves: Had Iceland tattooed on his arm The trio of Tito, Benua and Antoine from Belgium were delighted with their stay in Iceland and were having a great time. 9. nóvember 2014 14:56
People of Airwaves: Playing the wingwoman The friends Jill Casavant and Natalie Spaeth from Atlanta, Georgia, are excited about the Iceland Airwaves festival. 7. nóvember 2014 22:24
People of Airwaves: Loves the Icelandic chocolate cake "We love the Icelandic nature, the people and Reykjavík. Just all of it," says Theo and Joyce. 7. nóvember 2014 20:47