
Friends Pub Quiz-ið: Svörin

Stefán Árni Pálsson skrifar
Þættirnir eru gríðarlega vinsælir.
Þættirnir eru gríðarlega vinsælir. vísir
Í gærkvöldi fór fram Pub Quiz á Gauknum þar sem Sólveig Johnsen, spurningahöfundur, spurði aðeins út í gamanþættina Friends.

Fyrr í dag birti Vísir tuttugu spurningar úr Quiz-inu. Ef þú vilt spreyta þig á spurningunum geturðu smellt á linkinn hér fyrir neðan. Svörin má svo sjá hér að neðan. Endilega segðu okkur í ummælakerfinu hvað þú varst með mörg rétt svör.

Sjá einnig: Spreyttu þig á Friends Pub Quiz-inu sem var á Gauknum

Hér eru svörin

1)    What did Joey buy as a gift for his girlfriend Kathy on her birthday?

A pen, that is also a clock.

2)    What was the name of Monica´s boyfriend who tried to become „The Ultimate Fighting Champion“? Pete Becker

3)    What is the giant poking device made from? Chopsticks

4)    What did Chloe take from Ross´s apartment after they had sex? His watch

5)    Who swallowed a Scrabble piece? Marcel (the monkey)

6)    How many times has Ross been married? Three times

7)    What is the name of Joey´s agent?  Estelle Leonard

8)    Why did Phoebe wait for hours on the phone? She was trying to get her phone fixed before the warranty expired.

9)    What was the nickname given to Rachel by her sorority sisters? Ray Ray Green

10) What was the name of „the wine guy“ that Monica dated? Paul

11) What was the advice that Rachel gave Ross about sex with Julie? To wait as long as possible.

12) What is the name of Rachel´s younger sister? Jill

13) The girls got somebody else´s pizza delivered by mistake. Who did the pizza belong to George Stephanopoulos

14) What did Phoebe find in a soda can? A thumb

15) Which actress plays Ross´s and Monica´s mother? Christina Pickles

16)  Where did Phoebe meet David? At the coffeshop

17) Who does Rachel dress up as to fulfill Ross´s fantasy? Princess Leia

18) Who did Phoebe have sex with at Ralph Lauren?  Kenny the copy guy

19) Which friend was the first to find out about Monica and Chandler (being together)? And which was the last? Joey (first), Ross (last)

20) Which friend dated a person with an unusually large head? Chandler

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