Icelandic MP: Pirate Party associates itself with organized crime By Sunna Kristín Hilmarsdóttir 24. mars 2015 16:47 Vilhjalmur Bjarnason, MP for the Independent Party. Vísir Icelandic MP Vilhjalmur Bjarnason, member of the Independent Party, says he has no idea what's going on regarding Frettabladid's most recent poll on the following of the Icelandic parties. According to the poll the Pirate Party would get 29,1% of the votes if elections were held today and thus get 19 members of the parliament out of the total number of 63. The Independent Party, historically Iceland's strongest party, would get 15 members. "According to the poll the Pirate Party, a party that associates itself with organized crime, would get around 30% of the votes. If piracy isn't organized crime then I have no idea what the word means," Bjarnason said in parliament today. It's his hope that the results of the poll are only a warning, a yellow card, for the Independent Party and other parties. He also asked fellow MPs to make decisions in parliament but not again and again refuse to take a side referring to the Pirate Party. News in English Tengdar fréttir Pirate Party dominant among young voters The largest party in Iceland, according to a new poll. 21. mars 2015 09:13 The Pirate Party is now measured as the biggest political party in Iceland Would get about 22% of the total votes if parliamentary elections would take place now 19. mars 2015 10:49 Mest lesið Svekktar og reiðar yfir viðbrögðum veitingamannsins Innlent Öruggt að hann væri ekki á lífi væri flugvöllurinn annars staðar Innlent Sveifluðust til og frá í krefjandi lendingum Innlent Fimm með réttarstöðu sakbornings vegna andláts í Grindavík Innlent Líklegast að gos hefjist í seinni hluta febrúar Innlent Dómari birtir nafn sæðisgjafa til að vara við honum og öðrum Erlent Fróm fyrirheit í jómfrúarræðuhlaðborði Innlent Orðræða kolleganna um slitin geri lítið úr Framsóknarkonum Innlent Sérkennilegt að vera útilokuð vegna mála sem komi borginni ekki við Innlent Kristrún segir kjörna fulltrúa ekki eiga að svara með skætingi Innlent
Icelandic MP Vilhjalmur Bjarnason, member of the Independent Party, says he has no idea what's going on regarding Frettabladid's most recent poll on the following of the Icelandic parties. According to the poll the Pirate Party would get 29,1% of the votes if elections were held today and thus get 19 members of the parliament out of the total number of 63. The Independent Party, historically Iceland's strongest party, would get 15 members. "According to the poll the Pirate Party, a party that associates itself with organized crime, would get around 30% of the votes. If piracy isn't organized crime then I have no idea what the word means," Bjarnason said in parliament today. It's his hope that the results of the poll are only a warning, a yellow card, for the Independent Party and other parties. He also asked fellow MPs to make decisions in parliament but not again and again refuse to take a side referring to the Pirate Party.
News in English Tengdar fréttir Pirate Party dominant among young voters The largest party in Iceland, according to a new poll. 21. mars 2015 09:13 The Pirate Party is now measured as the biggest political party in Iceland Would get about 22% of the total votes if parliamentary elections would take place now 19. mars 2015 10:49 Mest lesið Svekktar og reiðar yfir viðbrögðum veitingamannsins Innlent Öruggt að hann væri ekki á lífi væri flugvöllurinn annars staðar Innlent Sveifluðust til og frá í krefjandi lendingum Innlent Fimm með réttarstöðu sakbornings vegna andláts í Grindavík Innlent Líklegast að gos hefjist í seinni hluta febrúar Innlent Dómari birtir nafn sæðisgjafa til að vara við honum og öðrum Erlent Fróm fyrirheit í jómfrúarræðuhlaðborði Innlent Orðræða kolleganna um slitin geri lítið úr Framsóknarkonum Innlent Sérkennilegt að vera útilokuð vegna mála sem komi borginni ekki við Innlent Kristrún segir kjörna fulltrúa ekki eiga að svara með skætingi Innlent
Pirate Party dominant among young voters The largest party in Iceland, according to a new poll. 21. mars 2015 09:13
The Pirate Party is now measured as the biggest political party in Iceland Would get about 22% of the total votes if parliamentary elections would take place now 19. mars 2015 10:49