
Phife Dawg úr A Tribe Called Quest látinn

Stefán Árni Pálsson skrifar
Phife Dawg
Phife Dawg vísir/getty
Phife Dawg, einn af stofnendum rapphljómsveitarinnar A Tribe Called Quest, er látinn 45 ára að aldri.

Dánarorsök hans er óljós að svo stöddu en hann hafði glímt við sykursýki frá árinu 1990. Rapparinn varð að undirgangast nýrnaígræðslu árið 2008 og hefur hann aldrei almennilega náð að jafna sig.

Phife Dawg hét Malik Taylor en hann stofnaði sveitina ásamt Q-Tip og Ali Shaheed Muhammad árið 1988.

Frægasta lag sveitarinnar er án efa Can I Kick It? sem má heyra hér að neðan.

Fjölmargar stjörnur úr skemmtanabransanum, uppáhalds íþróttaliðin hans og fleiri hafa minnst rapparans á samfélagsmiðlum í dag.

Phife forever 1970-2016. 1991 in Sept I went to visit Tariq at Millersville U in the middle of PA (Lancaster). Miles Davis had just passed & I went on a binge to study his post jazz works. Went to Sound Of Market to purchase Nefertiti, In A Silent Way & Live Evil---the only non jazz purchase I made that day ironically was the most jazziest album in that collection: #TheLowEndTheory by @ATCQ. ---it was raining that day so somehow the 1...2 punch of 'Nefertiti'/'Fall' just had me in a trance that train trip---even though I suspected there was a possibility that Tribe could possibly have made a better album then their debut (the perfect @@@@@ mic Source rating would be on stands in a week so I was right)---but I knew I wanted to save that listening for when I got up to the campus w Riq.---so some 90mins later when I get to his dorm--we ripped that bad boy open (I can't describe the frustration that was CD packaging in 1991, just imagine the anger that environmentalists feel when all that paper packaging in Beats headphone gets wasted---it's like that)---the sign of a true classic is when a life memory is burnt in your head because of the first time you hear a song. ---Riq & I had this moment a few times, but the look on our faces when we 1st heard 'Buggin Out' was prolly Me & Tariq's greatest 'rewind selector!' moment in our friendship. (Back then every MC's goal was to have that 'rewind!!!' moment. As in to say something so incredible. Or to catch you by surprise that it makes you go 'DAAAAAYUM!!!'& you listen over & over---Malik 'Phife' Taylor's verse was such a gauntlet/flag planting moment in hip hop. Every hip hop head was just...stunned HE. CAME. FOR. BLOOD & was taking NO prisoners on this album (or ever again) we just kept looking at the speaker on some disbelief old timey radio Suspense episode. & also at each other 'Phife is KILLIN!'--by the time we got to 'Scenario' I swear to god THAT was the moment I knew I wanted to make THIS type of music when I grew up--(yeah yeah dad I know: 'go to Juilliard or Curtis to make a nice living at 'real music') but he didn't know that Phife & his crew already wrote my destiny. I ain't look back since. THANK YOU PHIFE!

A photo posted by Questlove Gomez (@questlove) on

My Mellotron was tagged by Phife. Thinking of all the great music he brought us. Malik Taylor R.I.P.

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Þá hefur Rolling Stone einnig útbúið minningarmyndband fyrir rapparann þar sem farið er yfir feril hans.

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