Nicki Minaj og Safaree voru saman í 12 ár þangað til þau hættu saman árið 2014. Safaree er rappari eins og Nicki en ferill hans hefur þó aldrei náð sömu hæðum og Nicki hefur náð, og er hann nú til dags þekktastur fyrir það eitt að vera fyrrverandi kærasti stórstjörnunnar.
Remember the night you cut me and i almost died the police and ambulance had to take me out the crib on a stretcher and I had to lie and tell them I was trying to kill myself so they wouldn't take you to jail. When things like that start happening more Than once it's time to dip.Nicki lastar Safaree á Twitter síðu sinni og kallar hann öllum illum nöfnum vegna ásakananna.
— @IAMSAFAREE (@IAMSAFAREE) August 14, 2018
U stole my card & told me you thought it was an account with “free money” that I didn’t know about. On God. God will strike you down & more for lying. Ha! Stop saying u packed & left ! On Jesus u came to my house CRYING BEGGING to go w|me to Europe to the EMA’s. I said NO DUMMY
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 14, 2018
Btch you hit me & meek asking us to get your dick pic back from someone. Lol. You were playing with ur dick in the shower by urself with suds & shit. I have the email where u said you couldn’t pay ur electric bill & why you lied on me but go AWWFFF SIS!ð lokum segir Nicki að hún vilji einblína á það jákvæða í lífi sínu en hún gaf út plötuna Queen í síðustu viku við góðar undirtekir gagnrýnenda og aðdáenda.
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 14, 2018
If you rock wit me & this album, let’s switch our focus back to the positive stuff ONLY. I’m so proud of #Queen. People would kill to release such a critically acclaimed body of work. I’m in a great mood & you should be in one too!!! To GOD be the GLORY!
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 14, 2018