
Gucci breytir um stefnu

French bandleader, producer and record executive Eddie Barclay (1921 - 2005 second from right) hosts a psychedelic party at St. Tropez, August 1967. (Photo by Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)  st tropez
French bandleader, producer and record executive Eddie Barclay (1921 - 2005 second from right) hosts a psychedelic party at St. Tropez, August 1967. (Photo by Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) st tropez
Bless bless glysrokk, halló hippatíminn. Hönnuðurinn Frida Giannini tók við af Tom Ford fyrir um ári síðan, og í sumar brá hún frá hinum þekkta Gucci-stíl þar sem þröng, dökk og rokkaraleg föt hafa verið í fyrirrúmi. Með strandlínunni sinni kom hún með afar kvenlega og afslappaða tísku sem minnti á hippatímabilið og var undir miklum áhrifum frá þjóðbúningum Evrópu. Stuttir kjólar með púffermum, sixtíslegir mod-kjólar í skærum litum og stuttbuxur voru sexí án þess að gefa of mikið í skyn. Giannini hefur sjálf kallað lúkkið „St. Tropez árið 1960,“ sem er bæði skemmtileg tilhugsun í okkar svala íslenska sumri og rímar vel við athygli heimsins sem beinist að ströndum Suður-Frakklands þessa dagana þegar Cannes hátíðin er í algleymingi. Við getum öll látið okkur dreyma um sól, sand og ... eitthvað fleira sem Gainsbourg söng á þessum árum. - amb
A model presents a creation by Italian fashion house Gucci during the Spring/Summer 2007 women's collections, 27 September 2006 in Milan. gucci sumar

A model displays a creation by Gucci's Spring/Summer 2007 men's collection as part of Milan's Fashion shows, 27 June 2006. AFP PHOTO / Giuseppe CACACE gucci sumar

A model presents a creation by Italian fashion house Gucci during the Spring/Summer 2007 women's collections, 27 September 2006 in Milan. gucci sumar

A model presents a creation by Italian fashion house Gucci during the Spring/Summer 2007 women's collections, 27 September 2006 in Milan. gucci sumar

Models present creations by Italian fashion house Gucci during the Spring/Summer 2007 women's collections, 27 September 2006 in Milan. gucci sumar

A model displays a creation by Gucci's Spring/Summer 2007 men's collection as part of Milan's Fashion shows, 27 June 2006. AFP PHOTO / Giuseppe CACACE gucci sumar

A model presents a creation by Italian fashion house Gucci during the Spring/Summer 2007 women's collections, 27 September 2006 in Milan. gucci sumar

A model presents a creation by Italian fashion house Gucci during the Spring/Summer 2007 women's collections, 27 September 2006 in Milan. gucci sumar


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