
Can use the name Blaer

Blaer with her mother Bjork.
Blaer with her mother Bjork.
A judge at the Reykjavik District Court has ruled that it is permissible to use the name Blær for a girl. The Names Committee had concluded that the name is a man's name. The courtroom was crowded when the ruling was announced.

This case has drawn great attention and has been covered by foreign media. Björk Eiðsdóttir sued the state of Iceland on behalf of her daughter, Blær Bjarkardóttir, whose name was never approved by the authorities since it was considered to be a man's name. Until now she has, therefore, been registered as Stúlka (Girl) Bjarkardóttir in the national register.

Björk said that her daughter told the judge at the principal proceedings earlier this month that she was very satisfied with her name "and had never had any problems with it, except when dealing with the authorities. My lawyer produced evidence that there were precedents for names being used for both men and women," said Björk to the reporter.

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