Bandaríski körfuboltamaðurinn Kobe Bryant lést í þyrluslysi Calabasas í Kaliforníu í gærmorgun.
Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant, dóttir körfuboltamannsins, var einnig um borð í þyrlunni ásamt sjö öðrum en enginn lifði slysið af.
Stjörnurnar um heima allan minnast þeirra tveggja á samfélagsmiðlum en var Bryant gríðarlega vinsæll. Kobe Bryant var einn besti körfuboltamaður sögunnar og mikill sigurvegari. Hann skilur eftir sig eiginkonuna Vanessa Laine Bryant og þrjár dætur.
Hér að neðan má sjá hvernig þekktasta fólk heims minnist Kobe. Söngkonan Alica Keys og Boys II Men minntust hans á Grammy-verðlaununum í Staples Center í Los Angeles í nótt.
"We love you Kobe." @aliciakeys and Boyz II Men sing in tribute to Kobe Bryant and his family at the opening of the #Grammys
— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) January 27, 2020
Söngvarinn John Legend tók fréttunum mjög inn á sig.
I'm so sad and stunned right now. In Staples Arena, where Kobe created so many memories for all of us, preparing to pay tribute to another brilliant man we lost too soon, Nipsey Hussle. Life can be so brutal and senseless sometimes. Hold on to your loved ones. We miss you, Kobe
— John Legend (@johnlegend) January 26, 2020
Fimleikadrottningin Simone Biles minnist Kobe með þessum orðum og birtir mynd með.
rest in peace Kobe
— Simone Biles (@Simone_Biles) January 26, 2020
Pharrell Williams segir að heimurinn sé fátækari eftir fráfall Kobe Bryant.
The world lost a giant today
— Pharrell Williams (@Pharrell) January 26, 2020
Rest In Peace Kobe Bryant. Also praying for the other passengers that we lost and their families.
Spjallþáttadrottningin Ellen er í sjokki eins og margir aðrir.
Like everyone, I’m stunned and saddened by the news about Kobe Bryant. My heart is broken for his wife and family.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) January 26, 2020
Taylor Swift sendir samúðakveðjur til Vanessa og fjölskyldunnar.
My heart is in pieces hearing the news of this unimaginable tragedy. I can’t fathom what the families are going through. Kobe meant so much to me and to us all. Sending my prayers, love, and endless condolences to Vanessa and the family and anyone who lost someone on that flight.
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) January 26, 2020
Justin Bieber trúir hreinlega ekki að þetta hafi átt sér stað.
Barack Obama fyrrum forseti Bandaríkjanna og Michelle Obama senda kveðjur á fjölskylduna.
Kobe was a legend on the court and just getting started in what would have been just as meaningful a second act. To lose Gianna is even more heartbreaking to us as parents. Michelle and I send love and prayers to Vanessa and the entire Bryant family on an unthinkable day.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) January 26, 2020
Mariah Carey er einnig í sjokki.
In shock right now. RIP Kobe
— Mariah Carey (@MariahCarey) January 26, 2020
Hjartað í molum á söngkonunni Fergie.
completely heartbroken and speechless. Sending all my love to vanessa, his kids , and the other families involved
— Fergie (@Fergie) January 26, 2020
Ofurfyrirsætan Chrissy Teigen er dofin yfir fréttunum.
Downtown right now and nothing feels more unimportant than what we are doing today. This is absolutely terrible. Everyone is numb.
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) January 26, 2020
Kanye West biður fyrir fjölskyldunni.
Kobe, We love you brother
— ye (@kanyewest) January 26, 2020
We’re praying for your family and appreciate the life you’ve lived and all the inspiration you gave
Jimmy Kimmel minnist Kobe með þessum fallegum orðum.
He was great,charismatic & among the hardest-working athletes ever,but what impressed me most was how deeply-involved Kobe was with his 4 daughters. Pray for them, Vanessa, his parents & his fellow passengers' families on this sad and shocking day. We will never forget you Kobe
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) January 26, 2020
Leikkonan Reese Witherspoon er algjörlega í rusli.
Just devastated to hear about #KobeBryant .An extraordinary athlete, and a genuinely kind, wonderful man. Sending love, prayers & compassion to his family. To his entire @NBA family as well.
— Reese Witherspoon (@ReeseW) January 26, 2020
Bruna Mars talar um Kobe Bryant sem ofurhetju.
Kobe was a real life super hero on that court & I’m sure he was one to his family. Sending love and prayers to them. This is heartbreaking.
— Bruno Mars (@BrunoMars) January 26, 2020
Rapparinn Lil Wayne segir að heimurinn hafi misst konung.
We lost a King. 824
— Lil Wayne WEEZY F (@LilTunechi) January 26, 2020
Leikarinn Idris Elbe tekur fréttunum ekki vel.
Kobe is a G. Will always be remembered. @kobebryant Sad day.
— Idris Elba (@idriselba) January 26, 2020
Kelly Clarkson er algjörlega miður sín.
Everyone at our show is so saddened & shocked over the passing of Kobe Bryant. He was a father, husband, author, incredible athlete & one of the kindest guests we’ve had on our show. Please keep his family in your thoughts & remember to cherish the ones you love every single day
— The Kelly Clarkson Show (@KellyClarksonTV) January 26, 2020
Sjónvarpsmaðurinn Ryan Seacrest á enginn orð.
No words for the shocking and devastating news about Kobe Bryant. Absolutely heartbroken for his family.
— Ryan Seacrest (@RyanSeacrest) January 26, 2020
Demi Lovato er mjög sorgmædd.