Bjarni and the iron lady Ian McDonald skrifar 30. ágúst 2023 08:30 I write the following as someone raised in a working class family in the north of England. A place where the name of Margaret Thatcher is spoken with revulsion, hatred and contempt for what she did to our communities, our country, and the working class as a whole. If you were to look into the hearts of those of us from the north of England, you would see three things: A strong cup of tea. A nice plate of curry and chips A burning pyre with an effigy of Margaret Thatcher resting on top. To see Bjarni Benediktsson unabashedly indulging in the acquisition of Margaret Thatcher memorabilia is a deeply unsettling and jarring spectacle, and something I take personally. This behaviour casts an ominous pall over the intentions and values of these leaders, exposing a level of audacious insensitivity that demands scrutiny. Margaret Thatcher remains a figure whose legacy remains indelibly etched in societal strife. The unapologetic veneration of her image by politicians is an act that raises a litany of disconcerting questions about their loyalties and the nightmarish path they are poised to tread. Margaret Thatcher's enduring legacy is inextricable from her relentless crusade against unions and her ruthless gutting of welfare programs. Her approach transcended the bounds of pragmatic reform, morphing into an onslaught against the rights of the working class and the social safety nets that the most vulnerable relied upon. The repercussions of these policies persist, as economic disparities persistently haunt our modern landscape. The audacity of politicians pursuing Thatcher memorabilia transcends mere personal eccentricity; it is an alarming endorsement of her ruinous policies. The Thatcherite doctrine of deregulation and privatization erected barriers between the privileged and the oppressed, fomenting societal discord and perpetuating the chasms of economic inequality. It sends an unsettling signal about their intentions. Are they paying homage to history, or are they surreptitiously courting a constituency that fervently craves a return to a time when the elite reigned supreme and the cries of the marginalized fell on deaf ears? By endorsing a character like Thatcher, Bjarni is showing that he (like her) will not rest until the working poor are consigned to nothing but poverty and misery, unions are gutted, and every essential aspect of society is stripped for parts and sold to the highest bidder. Most likely his family and friends. As a proud working class Mancunian, I cannot and will not stand by and let that happen. The author is a manufacturing worker. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn Mest lesið Rekin út fyrir að vera kennari Álfhildur Leifsdóttir Skoðun Vegið að framtíð ungs vísindafólks á Íslandi Katrín Möller,Svava Dögg Jónsdóttir Skoðun Sá „óháði“ kemur til byggða Kristinn Karl Brynjarsson Skoðun Við þurfum að tala um Bálstofuna Matthías Kormáksson Skoðun Lögreglumenn samningslausir mánuðum saman og án verkfallsréttar Fjölnir Sæmundsson Skoðun Vanvirðing við einkaframtakið og verðmætasköpun Bessí Þóra Jónsdóttir Skoðun Treystir þú konum? Hópur 72 kvenna úr sex stjórnmálaflokkum Skoðun Fólk eða fífl? Anna Gunndís Guðmundsdóttir Skoðun Verðum að rannsaka hvað gerðist í Covid Hildur Þórðardóttir Skoðun Á að banna rauða jólasveininn? Stefán Vagn Stefánsson Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun Sá „óháði“ kemur til byggða Kristinn Karl Brynjarsson skrifar Skoðun Vegið að framtíð ungs vísindafólks á Íslandi Katrín Möller,Svava Dögg Jónsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Trúðslæti eða trúverðugleiki Friðrik Erlingsson skrifar Skoðun Rekin út fyrir að vera kennari Álfhildur Leifsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Lögreglumenn samningslausir mánuðum saman og án verkfallsréttar Fjölnir Sæmundsson skrifar Skoðun Hver vill kenna? Aron H. Steinsson skrifar Skoðun Við þurfum að tala um Bálstofuna Matthías Kormáksson skrifar Skoðun Vanvirðing við einkaframtakið og verðmætasköpun Bessí Þóra Jónsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Samfylkingin ætlar ekki að hækka tekjuskatt Alma D. Möller skrifar Skoðun Hvað eiga eldri borgarar að kjósa? Hjördís Hendriksdóttir skrifar Skoðun Við erum að ná árangri Ásmundur Einar Daðason skrifar Skoðun Verðum að rannsaka hvað gerðist í Covid Hildur Þórðardóttir skrifar Skoðun Ég og amma mín sem er dáin Lovísa Oktovía Eyvindsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Spegill eða stjórntæki? Hlutverk skoðanakannana og almenningsálits í stefnumótun og stjórnmálum Halldóra Lillý Jóhannsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Sagnaarfur Biblíunnar Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Með baunabyssu í kennaraverkfalli Ólafur Hauksson skrifar Skoðun Hver tilheyrir hverjum? Kristín Davíðsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Það þarf meiri töffara í okkur Davíð Már Sigurðsson skrifar Skoðun Unga fólkið og frjósemi María Rut Baldursdóttir,Sigríður Auðunsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Tryggjum frelsi til handfæraveiða – eflum sjávarbyggðirnar Eyjólfur Ármannsson skrifar Skoðun Verja þarf friðinn Hjörtur J. Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Mannsæmandi lífeyrislaun strax Guðmundur Ingi Kristinsson skrifar Skoðun Munu bara allir fá dánaraðstoð? Bjarni Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Hvað er Arne Slot þjálfari Liverpool að gera rétt?–vangaveltur frá sálfræðingi Andri Hrafn Sigurðsson skrifar Skoðun Billy bókahilla og börnin mín Þorbjörg Marínósdóttir skrifar Skoðun Á að banna rauða jólasveininn? Stefán Vagn Stefánsson skrifar Skoðun Er skárra að kasta upp um dómsniðurstöðuna en að dómarinn dæmi? Jörgen Ingimar Hansson skrifar Skoðun Píratar hafa metnaðarfyllstu umhverfis- og loftslagsstefnuna Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Svör við atvinnuumsóknum – Ákall til atvinnurekenda Valgerður Rut Jakobsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Umræða á villigötum Diljá Matthíasardóttir skrifar Sjá meira
I write the following as someone raised in a working class family in the north of England. A place where the name of Margaret Thatcher is spoken with revulsion, hatred and contempt for what she did to our communities, our country, and the working class as a whole. If you were to look into the hearts of those of us from the north of England, you would see three things: A strong cup of tea. A nice plate of curry and chips A burning pyre with an effigy of Margaret Thatcher resting on top. To see Bjarni Benediktsson unabashedly indulging in the acquisition of Margaret Thatcher memorabilia is a deeply unsettling and jarring spectacle, and something I take personally. This behaviour casts an ominous pall over the intentions and values of these leaders, exposing a level of audacious insensitivity that demands scrutiny. Margaret Thatcher remains a figure whose legacy remains indelibly etched in societal strife. The unapologetic veneration of her image by politicians is an act that raises a litany of disconcerting questions about their loyalties and the nightmarish path they are poised to tread. Margaret Thatcher's enduring legacy is inextricable from her relentless crusade against unions and her ruthless gutting of welfare programs. Her approach transcended the bounds of pragmatic reform, morphing into an onslaught against the rights of the working class and the social safety nets that the most vulnerable relied upon. The repercussions of these policies persist, as economic disparities persistently haunt our modern landscape. The audacity of politicians pursuing Thatcher memorabilia transcends mere personal eccentricity; it is an alarming endorsement of her ruinous policies. The Thatcherite doctrine of deregulation and privatization erected barriers between the privileged and the oppressed, fomenting societal discord and perpetuating the chasms of economic inequality. It sends an unsettling signal about their intentions. Are they paying homage to history, or are they surreptitiously courting a constituency that fervently craves a return to a time when the elite reigned supreme and the cries of the marginalized fell on deaf ears? By endorsing a character like Thatcher, Bjarni is showing that he (like her) will not rest until the working poor are consigned to nothing but poverty and misery, unions are gutted, and every essential aspect of society is stripped for parts and sold to the highest bidder. Most likely his family and friends. As a proud working class Mancunian, I cannot and will not stand by and let that happen. The author is a manufacturing worker.
Skoðun Lögreglumenn samningslausir mánuðum saman og án verkfallsréttar Fjölnir Sæmundsson skrifar
Skoðun Spegill eða stjórntæki? Hlutverk skoðanakannana og almenningsálits í stefnumótun og stjórnmálum Halldóra Lillý Jóhannsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Hvað er Arne Slot þjálfari Liverpool að gera rétt?–vangaveltur frá sálfræðingi Andri Hrafn Sigurðsson skrifar
Skoðun Er skárra að kasta upp um dómsniðurstöðuna en að dómarinn dæmi? Jörgen Ingimar Hansson skrifar
Skoðun Píratar hafa metnaðarfyllstu umhverfis- og loftslagsstefnuna Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir skrifar