Hinsvegar hefur eitthvað farið úrskeiðis með fimmta Ólympíuhringinn en hann opnaðist ekki.
Twitter-notendur voru ekki lengi að grípa tækifærið til þess að gera grín að mistökunum.
The fella responsible for the Olympic ring malfunction is going to be on the next train to a prison camp! #bbcsochi #SochiProblems
— Karen (@karen87222) February 7, 2014
You laugh now but at least five people will die because of that Olympic ring malfunction
— Connor Simpson (@connorsimpson) February 7, 2014
Olympic Ring number 5 guy on his way to Siberia even as we tweet….
— Omar Izquierdo (@izqomar) February 7, 2014
The fifth olympic ring was probably the gay one. Best not show up.
— Rich Clarke (@richclarke) February 7, 2014
Uh oh. First glitch. One of the snowflakes didn't transform into its Olympic ring. Condolences to the family of the workers responsible.
— Jay Busbee (@jaybusbee) February 7, 2014
That Olympic ring malfunction looked like a lone nipple hanging from the sky.
— Elaine L. (@LaineyGossip) February 7, 2014
Sorry I didn't Open into an Olympic ring, I tried but Putin stopped me as i am a gay snowflake #bbcsochi
— #SochiSnowflake (@SochiSnowflake) February 7, 2014
The person responsible for that failed illuminated Olympic ring may soon discover what the inside of the Lubyanka looks like.
— Liam Hoare (@lahoare) February 7, 2014
That malfunctioning Olympic ring looked like it was asking us to refer to a footnote. Suggestions on a postcard please.
— NickdMiller (@NickdMiller) February 7, 2014